Chapter #41 - the Ashnuks

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Adamai thanked Ceriian for helping Yugo and attempted to thank Pollier, but just couldn't do it. After he gave up, Ceriian just signed up to be a translator for him and any of the Ashnuks until they had a better idea. They proposed things for a while, but never really came apon a good idea for communication.

After that, they went to what Adamai assumed would be a meal, but it was very different. Instead of a server style or a cook-it-yourself type thing, they had around thirty tables set up that would each pass around a bigger bowl of food that you would choose how much you ate. It felt very welcoming compared to what you would see in the rest of the food in the World of Twelve.

Even with many choices presented to him, Adamai took a rather small amount of food compared to what he usually ate and did the same for Yugo, only grabbing the foods that looked or smelled the most familiar to him. None of it was truely similar, though.

Adamai sat next to Ceriian at the table, and they decided that Yugo would stay where Ceriian had worked on him with Pollier so that he wouldn't be alone. Adamai just set an extra plate of food aside for Yugo and Ceriian did the same.

Ceriian and Adamai would talk to people, mainly because even though there were only nine other Asnuks at that table, it felt like everyone was asking questions. It was a strange experience having to explain being a dragon in detail to Ceriian, who tried his hardest to translate it for him despite it clearly being too complicated for that. None of them understood the concept, but as Ceriian put it, "There was an agreement of acceptance of you, Adamai, to not make conversation awkward. Basically, they'll just treat you like any regular Ashnuk."

After the Ashnuks were done asking questions, Adamai addressed something that Ceriian forgot that he said.

"You mentioned that you were interested in aiding us in our search of Ralo, right? I just want to make sure that the comment wasn't one made of an act of bravado to impress me," Adamai reminded Ceriian, "It's completely ok if it was; we don't care about you backing out before we give you details."

"Oh. I like adventuring out of the Ashnuks' camp anyway. I might as well occupy myself with helping others instead of just wandering. I'm still interested in helping you two. Even when I was in the rest of the World of Twelve, I didn't get to see a dragon. I mean, why not take the opportunity? The only thing that I'm concerned about is Pollier being without a mentor. Besides myself, she's the only Ashnuk who knows anything about medicine. If something happens while I'm gone with you, I fear the consequences." Ceriian explained to him.

Adamai nodded as he took in the information. He was sort of putting a whole group of people at risk by taking Ceriian with him, but he was the one who volunteered. Not knowing what to say, the conversation ended, and they finished eating.

Before they got up, Ceriian added, "I think it will be fine as long as we say not a word about it to Pollier."

"It least that part will be easy with the whole French barrier and everything," Adamai responded, laughing slightly. Ceriian chuckled as well.

The two got up and grabbed the food for Yugo and Pollier and returned to their location. Pollier looked very happy to eat and it was funny how quickly she was already done.

Pleased with what the day had brought, Adamai watched the moon rise next to Yugo before he fell asleep. 

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