Chapter #4 - Revalation

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Chibi instantly let go knowing why. The brotherhood all looked at Adamai strangely. He kept a straight face and ran at Qilby. He grabbed the Eliacube from his hidden pocket and pulled Chibi by his hat to the exit of the inn.

"We need to get to the children's dimension, Chibi! Just focus and stay still with your eyes closed until I say so," Adamai instructed. Chibi nodded understanding what he just said clearly. They sat on the ground near the big tree in the center of Amelka. The brotherhood could only hold Qilby in the inn for so long. Adamai breathed in and out slowly.

The Eliacube lit up blue and Chibi focused on the experience at hand. Soon, large amounts of Wakfu spilt out from them both and the black portal with white markings in Dragonish appeared on their right. Adamai grabbed the cube and Chibi saying "Now!" They jumped into the portal.

White was everywhere and all you could see was Chibi, Adamai, and the Eliacube. Chibi felt lost in this place, only led by Adamai until they reached one more portal. They entered it and found themselves on the planet where Balthezar sat.

"Qilby tricked me," Adamai flatly said. His lips quivered and Balthezar set down Yugo in front of him. Chibi stepped back from Yugo in horror. Adamai sighed and held Yugo's head up to check it. He drifted his hands up to his antlers under his hat. He felt his left antler. It felt fine, he supposed. Then he felt the right one. It- wasn't there at all? Adamai took off his hat to look at it further. It was cut off near his scalp and glowed less than before. Clearly, something was wrong.

Balthezar looked down at them and said, "A perfect shot if it were in better circumstances. After it, I tried to prevent further damage. I convinced them to stop, but by then it was already done." Adamai cried. He remembered a saying Grougaloragran taught him.

"An Eliatrope can't live without their antlers," Adamai whispered to Chibi behind him. Chibi touched his and tears fell into his eyes. He looked at Balthezar in the background. Chibi gasped and blinked away his tears.

"Adamai. Antlers! Both antlers!" He cheerfully claimed, walking back up to Adamai and Yugo. Adamai looked at him confused, but hopeful still.

"I don't understand where you're going, Chibi, but you're fairly smart," Adamai started, "So where were you going with that?" Chibi slightly smiled at him.

He happily sighed and asked, "He only lost one of his antlers, right?"


Chibi nodded. "Right. Maybe Grougaloragran meant they can live with one antler but can't without both of them. He could be alive, Adamai," he said. Adamai smiled and blinked away his tears too. He laid Yugo on the ground. He stood up and looked at Balthezar. He smiled back at Adamai.

"Let's wait for him to wake up, then," Adamai said smiling down at him gently and peacefully, "We should really get Qilby dealt with, though. Eva, Ruel, Percedal, Amalia, and Alibert won't be able to hold him off for long," he added. Chibi frowned and handed Yugo to Balthezar.

"You can train me while we're here. Surely it won't take too long, right?" he suggested, turning back to look at Adamai. He sighed.

Adamai looked up at the sky muttered, "The longer we're here training, the longer the World of Twelve deals with Qilby, Chibi. It's too dangerous of a risk to train you. Although..." he fixed his gaze on Balthezar and waited for a nod of approval. He did, and Adamai sighed.

"Although there is way to train you if you were to endure the pain. Well, Balthezar could train you," Adamai finished. Chibi smiled and looked over Balthezar as well.

"I don't care about the pain I would have to endure, Balthezar. I want to help the world more than anything," he confidently convinced himself. Balthezar nodded at him and pointed toward the grass.

"Lay flat on the grass and stay still, Chibi. I'll do the rest," Balthezar instructed him. Chibi exhaled sharply and laid where Balthezar had said. Balthezar came toward him and changed into his human form. He put his hand spaced slightly over Chibi's head. Blue streaks of Wakfu raced out of his hand and covered Chibi entirely. He screamed and shouted in pain as Balthezar continued the spell. Balthezar finally pulled his hand away from Chibi's head and the brightly colored Wakfu streams faded.

Chibi groaned and sat up saying, "That hurt more than I thought it would!" Adamai nodded at him and chuckled a little. Chibi stood up and looked at the Eliacube laying on the grass next to them.

"I'm ready to go, Adamai," he said grabbing the Eliacube off the ground. Adamai nodded and took the Eliacube in his hands. He opened the portal and Chibi walked through.

"Watch Yugo, Balthezar. I'll be back soon," Adamai said before walking into the portal. Balthezar smiled at him as the portal to the World of Twelve closed. 

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