Chapter #21: Sadidan Outskirts

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I'm sorry- I was gone for a while but here's that chapter I missed, I guess

I'll get better at this


The council ran with the entire city on their tail. Once far enough away Elger Nouvelle that they were probably in the Sadida outskirts, they sat down for a formal discussion. The crowd stayed intensely silent, so the air was thick with tension

"Well, we're not going back and we don't have favor from the other kingdoms," Adamai said to begin. Chibi stirred a little in his spot of the council meeting, which was for the meantime, a small circle of grass. Grougaloragran made sure to check in him quietly every few minutes and was very distracted. Seeing this distracted atmosphere, Phaerys rolled his eyes.

"What about the Sadidas? We're already there, why don't we ask for Queen Annefarr's help?" he asked, regaining the council's attention. Adamai thought for a second and sighed.

Adamai's face was dark as he pondered, "If we confront her, you realize that we'll have to mention that both of her cousins are in peril condition, right? She'd instantly kick us out and leave us to wander until she starts war!"

"Point taken. What if we did go back?" Mina asked. Adamai stood up.

"I've already decided on that point. We can't!" he yelled to no one in particular, "You are all aware that since neither of them have returned, Ralo is a bigger threat than us all! No one, not even I could challenge him. In addition, have any of you considered the Dofus? ALL OF THEM ARE MISSING!"

Mina, Nora, Efrim, and Glip shrunk in their seats out of fear.

"Why didn't you say anything about it? We could have sent a party..." Balthezaar commented under his breath. Adamai looked down at him as if he had offended him.

Adamai practically scoffed, "The Dofus and the Eliacube? Our whole country's a mess and all twelve kingdoms know it. Even if no one ever knew that both Tuto and Madellinn were- err- in peril condition, that doesn't change that we abandoned them. Someone will go back to check on the machines in the hospital, but that's it. If Yugo is hurt..." He trailed off and added in his head, 'again'.

He sat back down and took a deep breath to calm himself. Hiding his face, he continued, "If he is to be hurt, I will go myself to go and assess him." Though he hated to admit it, a hot tear pulled itself down his cheek and he said nothing more.

"You will be supported, you know that," Glip said, attempting to comfort the saddened dragon. Adamai simply sniffled and looked up to the sky.

He took a moment to admire the wondrous colors that spread over the entire World of Twelve. Only a few pink-tinted clouds were sprinkled throughout the sky, making shapes that were simply indescribable. The sun was half set behind the mountains that surrounded the area and the last warmth it have made him want to lie down and not get up. On the other side of the sun, the moon threatened to send its light onto the world instead of the sun's. Adamai knew that an eclipse was due any day now and that the world would pause for the short hours that it would be seen. Thinking about all this, he looked back at the council collected.

"I'm sorry," he apologized, "let's continue with this thought: every one of our fighters is agile, strong, and reliable. We should honor them with respect and wait for them."

All of the dragons present and Nora nodded in agreement.

"If we do much further, do you fear that they might not find us?" Mina asked hesitantly. Glip closed his eyes for a moment.

"I simply agree. Staying here is our strongest bet. To add more, it will be very obvious when Ralo comes to our 'base camp'. We would be warned hours in advance."

"Right then," Adamai agreed, "I want all Eliatropes who are able to begin gathering wood for fires and shelters. Dragons, get in human forms and gather wool. With all respect, let the game of survival begin at our grasps!" 

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