Michell says Hi

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Hey Guys! I'm back again because all of you are awesome! No, I am not making Fridays a regular thing, just have had more to say recently. Above is Michell, my Eliatrope persona because why not have one?

I wanted to thank you guys for being generally incredible! I've never tried sharing my stuff before so you're support is super appreciated. 

206 views!?! I am smiling SO hard right now. 

Super super thanks to the 8 'engaged readers' who are probably reading this two hours after i post it lol. 

It's crazy to think that I was going to use Wattpad originally so that my co-writer would have access, and now I'm using it as entertainment. Not that using it as a tool would do anything, anyway, because my co-writer and i haven't talked in months and I've done the whole thing by myself. 

I'm sad now because one of the hands got cut off. It was a good hand, too ToT.

Oh well~ I should probably sign into Les Gardiens and do some Dragonish translating. Gotta love  playing the game because I'm slowly adapting to French and learning some things. Dragonish to French is hard though because Dragonish DOESNT have apostrophes or commas. WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME, ANKAMA?? WHY????

I got something special for the next few chapters that was very fun to write.

Enjoy your morning/evening!


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