Chapter #37 - Not Coilcarairienmeianzenmarlei

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Coilcarairanmieianzenmarlei woke up again by a tree. He sighed when he saw the note as his side and read it to himself. But still...

Coilcarairanmieianzenmarlei had to go. Forever, but not yet. He knew that he had to remind himself of how he got here before returning.

But what if it hurt?

I'll fail, just like Q, and screw myself over again.

I don't remember where the scarf is.

What will I do?

His head hurt still and he read the note, remembering times when he woke up clueless, like when he hurt Tuto and Madellinn or when Q hurt him.


"STUPID Q!" Coilcarairienmeianzenmarlei screamed in frustration. That scarf was the one thing that ruined him. Just for "freedom". But it didn't feel like it to him, after all. What is freedom if freedom is running from my fear of disaster or pain or loss? What is freedom if I can't even use my real name in public?

"Stupid, STUPID RALO," he whispered harshly. He knew he was crying slightly, but ignored it. He had to admit it. He remember when he yelled his real name at Yugo not long ago. His real name... it was Coilcarairienmeianzenmarlei, he didn't lie about that, but he was Ralo.

He got up and decided that he was Ralo. Only Ralo.

Ralo walked around a bit, hoping to calm down. He needed to find his scarf and then reconcile with.... More than one person. He wandered with no plan of stopping. He spaced out.

Before he knew it, he found himself pinned on the ground in front of the castle of Elger Nouvelle with an aggressive Eniripsa on top of him.

"You aren't supposed to be here, Ralo," the eniripsa sighed, "especially you of all people."

"Ok, then arrest me," Ralo responded.

"Yeah... I should have started with that, really," the Eniripsa laughed a little as he pulled Ralo's hands behind his back, making them inaccessible.

"Yeah, but you really should have figured out where you're going to bring me after that," Ralo added, "After all, Coilcar- I mean- I destroyed most of the kingdom..." he trailed off.

"You did," the Eniripsa repeated harshly. "It's irrelevant right now. I, Xenlyr, must focus on arresting you right now." He tugged on Ralo's hands to push him, as he expected resistance. Ralo did not resist, though, and immediately began walking with Xenlyr.

"You're a strange Eliatrope, Ralo. What's your plan? You clearly want me to arrest you," Xenlyr asked him as they began to walk into the castle.

"I don't have one," Ralo answered, "I just wandered here while I was calming down."

"Calm down from what?" Xenlyr asked, his interest peaked. He let go of Ralo for a moment so that he could shove a huge wooden door open. Ralo didn't move at all, as Xenlyr noticed, even though he knew the castle layout perfectly well. He has worked there, after all.

"From myself. My scarf was, well, destroyed, and my locked-away counterpart is struggling within me. It's causing chaos and I'm blamed for it all," he confessed. I quiet "oh" escaped from Xenlyr before he refocused, grabbing Ralo again and leading him into what they both knew was the under jail. There was almost no way to escape this part of the castle unless you were let out.

"Did your scarf contain this counterpart?" Xenlyr asked, "I can't help but think that I have the ability to help you, Ralo, because you are, or were, of high authority before you attacked Tuto." Ralo went silent. They both stood in the dark room, neither of them pushing the conversation further.

"...yes. It did contain that part," Ralo explained, his tone going quiet as an indicator to end the small chat. Xenlyr looked away from him before unlocking one of the doors in front of him and nudging Ralo in. He willingly walked in and sat on the concrete floor without hesitation. Xenlyr thought his actions looked lifeless from the outside. 'He must be thinking about her,' he thought.

"I know you want to see her," Xenlyr whispered, "I just need to fix her up first." Ralo knew he was crying again. 

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