Chapter #10 - Delirious Yugo

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Ralo opened the bag he had grabbed off his dragoturkey. He frantically searched for a serum. He looked at Alibert.

"I need warm water. Hot even," he yelled at the door. Mia came dashing up the stairs with a glass. Ralo looked up at Yugo, who was shivering beside him. Sighing, he took the glass of water from Mia.

"If you've seen him like this for a day, he's been sick for three more at least," Ralo said out loud to no one in particular. He poured a bottle of dandelion-colored syrup into the water. He handed it to Mia.

"Stir this with a spoon until I come back. Alibert, get him some blankets. I need to get some things," He commanded them again before teleporting out the window.

Mia and Alibert scrambled around the inn gathering supplies while Ralo got his things. He came back to the inn in less than two minutes. He had four bags with him this time. One was in each of his hands, one over his shoulders like a backpack, and the fourth was gripped by the handles and put in between his teeth.

He scattered things around on the floor, grabbing a small towel with a mark, a sharp pencil-like stick, and a thin scarf. He took the new liquid from Mia and put the towel under it. He told her and Alibert to stand back as he grabbed the scarf and handed it to them. He simply told them that, "The fumes would be toxic to you."

Ralo grabbed the stick next and wrote something on his own hand before dipping it into the liquid. He took his wet hand and pulled it across Yugo's forehead as the writing glowed brightly. Smoke filled the room pouring from the remaining liquid in the glass. Yugo slipped off the bed suddenly and Ralo made a portal to catch him.

The smoke faded and Ralo was shouting something at Mia and Alibert that they couldn't understand. He signaled for them to remove the scarf and they threw it to the side. Ralo sped outside of the room and found Yugo retching in the kitchen. Yugo fell unconscious and Ralo picked him up in his arms. Ralo sighed as he layed Yugo back on the bed upstairs.

"You should probably go clean the kitchen. Sorry for the commotion," Ralo apologized. Mia and Alibert blinked at him in confusion. He stepped back and wrote 'Can you hear me?' on a sheet of nearby paper. Alibert took the pencil from Ralo and wrote 'You're speaking nonsense!' under Ralo's note. Ralo looked up.

'I must have breathed in the fumes myself...' he thought, looking back at Yugo frantically. 'Or they got in their ears!' Ralo signed for them to lay on the floor as he fetched more water.

Ralo poured the water through their ears while asking things like, "Do you understand?" and, "Can you hear me now?" until they said, "Yes," in return. He sighed and moved on.

"What just happened?" Alibert asked Ralo as he placed blankets on Yugo.

"I should have brought more scarves," he told him, "Yugo started reacting to the smoke in an unexpected way. He fell and I, irresponsibly, portaled him away from the room."


Ralo sighed. "Yugo has lost his abilities as an Eliatrope. He can't portal be in a portal for the time being. Furthermore, this is why I even came here. Adamai thinks he's got a cure for the issue," he revealed to them. Mia nodded and said her good-byes as she left. Ralo instructed Alibert to stay with Yugo as he brought his dragoturkey to the inn. He then offered to watch Yugo afterward so that Alibert could run his inn.

Ralo came back some time later and gave Yugo some food as he woke up. Ralo could tell that he was worsening as he backed off to the corner of the room to watch him from there.

'If a classic remedy more hurt him,' he thought, 'then I don't think Kolor or Adamai could do much to help either.' 

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