Chapter 41

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They were having leftover spaghetti now, since they'd skipped lunch. It was still as good for dinner as it had been when Ethan first made it. Mila couldn't wait until her wrist was out of the cast so she could cook herself. Not that Ethan's spaghetti wasn't good; it was amazing, but she wanted to make meals for him. She wanted to spoil him as much as he'd spoiled her over the last week. He deserved it.

She was still a bit blown away by what he was offering her. A chance to be a werewolf, to live as long as she wished, to travel, and live a life of luxury, but mostly to be with her soul mate, Ethan. She was starting to really adore him. The other things just weren't that important to her. Yes, it would make life easy, but as long as she was with him, she didn't care about the rest.

"Do you ever get sick?" she asked him.

"No. As a matter of fact, if you become a werewolf before your wrist heals, you won't have to worry about wearing that cast anymore," he said with a smile.

"That would be a relief. It's so annoying," she muttered. She'd just been thinking about it.

"Being one-handed?" His eyes darted down to the cast.


"I've kind of enjoyed it." He grinned, sitting back in his seat, his gaze on her.

She rolled her eyes at him. "I'm sure you have."

"When are you supposed to get it off?"

"Like 5 weeks from now." Much too long for her liking.


"When do you want to go back to Pennsylvania?" She'd been thinking about that too quite a bit today.

"It's up to you, Mila." He gave her his lazy smile. He was gorgeous, and that smile was distracting.

"So if I put in my two weeks notice tomorrow, would that be okay?" she asked after a moment. She'd almost forgotten what they were talking about.

"Yeah that would be fine," he said, his gaze still on her.

"It's not too long?" She was a bit concerned after what Rebekah had told her about him marking her and how he couldn't wait too long. What was too long? Rebekah said they had a while though

He frowned at her. "No."

She took a deep breath, deciding she needed to be up front with him. "Rebekah told me you couldn't wait too long to mark me. That you would obsess over it."

"Oh I see." His eyes glowed for a moment.

"I just want to make sure that you're okay." The last thing she wanted was for him not to be. Ethan may be a werewolf and practically a superhero in her mind, but she wanted him to stay that way and not cause issues for him.

"I'll be fine, Mila," he reassured her.

"Okay. I just want to make sure."

He nodded and looked away from her, rubbing his hand over his face. "Are you done eating?"


He grabbed her dishes and carried them over to the dishwasher, loading it up. "Shower?"


He nodded and came back with the wrap, then wrapped up her arm.

Mila walked back to the bathroom, aware that he was close behind her and she turned back towards him, letting him help her get undressed. It didn't bother her anymore, him seeing her naked. She'd grown accustomed to it. She liked the way he looked at her, the desire she saw in his eyes for her.

The Alpha Prince's Mate (Book 7 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن