Chapter 24

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To say she was overwhelmed would be an understatement. She'd needed the time alone so she could think, but she also realized that she didn't like him being in the other room, which was sort of ridiculous. This thing between them was so.. she didn't even have a name for it.

Now she could understand why she hadn't stopped thinking about him since she'd laid eyes on him. Why he'd been invading her thoughts at all different times of the day or night.

Ethan was her mate. Her soul mate. The man she could easily be spending the rest of her life with. Unless there was something seriously wrong with him, she highly doubted she'd do any differently either. He was the one she was supposed to be with. But then again, she hardly knew him.

Ethan Remington. He was basically a mystery to her, but he was also offering her a full glimpse into his world. A world that she was most definitely intrigued by. A world that was so different from her own. Though he was also willing to step back from that world and completely focus on her. It was rather crazy than he was willing to do that for someone he barely knew.

But she was undeniably attracted to him. She couldn't help herself. She'd barely been able to pull her eyes away from him this morning when he'd pulled his clothes off. Good grief but the man was beautiful, and he was interested in her.

That part still blew her mind. She was an emotional mess, and all he'd seen was her at her worst. Her face was a mess, and she was thankful he hadn't seen all the bruises on her body. She wasn't sure how comfortable she'd be showing him her body. She wasn't exactly perfect.

She swallowed, remembering him picking her up yesterday and her face went hot in embarrassment. She should have never let him do that. But at some point, if she continued this relationship with him, he would see her naked. It was inevitable.

She swallowed at the thought of having sex with him. He'd mentioned it this morning, mentioned marking her. She'd known what he was saying, that he would do in when she was cumming. He just hadn't said that part. It was crazy to think he was already thinking that far ahead, that he was thinking about having sex with her, but then why wouldn't he? He was a guy.

She'd thought of it too. How could she not? Especially with the dreams she'd had of him. She closed her eyes, letting the memory of them spill over her. The way he'd looked at her, the way he'd touched her, the way it felt to have him deep inside her, his lips on her own, and on her body..

Her eyes snapped open. The bath water was getting cold. She carefully climbed out, hating the fact that she only had one useful hand. She needed to wash her hair at some point. Even if the idea of getting dressed was daunting.

She thought about Ethan. He'd help if she asked. She'd have to trust him to.. to what? Not touch her the way she was craving? She laughed at herself. She kinda wanted him too. Kinda. She scoffed. She wanted him to, pure and simple.

"You don't even know him," she muttered to herself.

She looked herself over in the mirror. The initial bruises looked better than the recent ones, but it all still looked bad. She sighed. Then she realized something. She hadn't brought any clothes in with her.

She walked over to the door, and cracked it open, then stuck her head out. She smiled. Ethan was laying on the bed sideways, his feet still resting on the ground, and he was reading her book again. "Ethan?"

He glanced up at her and then sat up, a smile touching his lips. "Mila."

She liked the way he said her name. "I forgot to bring any clothes in with me," she said.

"Oh. You didn't, did you. Where are they?" His gaze darted around the room.

"My bag." She pointed to it. How was she going to get dressed without help? She'd struggled yesterday until Riley had helped her.

The Alpha Prince's Mate (Book 7 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now