Chapter 13

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Riley headed out to her car after work and climbed inside. She'd gone over the conversation she'd had with Ethan in her head several times. There was so much to unpack from it and she really wanted to talk to her sister.

When she'd told him she had family that were mated to werewolves, she didn't mention that it was her own siblings. Both of her sisters were mated to werewolves and Riley sort of hoped she would be too. She was the youngest of the three of them.

One of her sisters was mated to someone from the Lone Star Pack and the other was mated to someone from Alamo.

The moment she'd seen Ezra pull up with the two other men to get the load of mulch, she'd been attracted to Ethan. He was gorgeous, but she'd watched his gaze settle on her cousin and knew she was the only one he saw. She'd watched their interaction yesterday and it confirmed it in her mind and was the reason she'd encouraged Mila to get coffee with Ethan. Her cousin Mila had a werewolf mate. A very gorgeous werewolf mate.

It annoyed her that she was so attracted to him still, but there was nothing she could do about it. Ethan would never look at her twice and she could never do that to Mila. Werewolf men in general were good looking, but Ethan was gorgeous.

She pulled into the driveway of her house, surprised to see her sister, Rebekah's car there. She had asked Rebekah if she could check on Mila today but hadn't expected her to still be there. She got out of the car and headed inside.

The house was quiet and Rebekah was in the kitchen, fixing a meal, which made Riley happy. Rebekah was a fantastic cook. She turned to Riley when she walked in. "Hi."

"Hi. Where's Mila?"

"Sleeping. You want to tell me what happened to her?" Rebekah asked with a frown.

Riley sighed and went over the entire story with her again, though she didn't mention Ethan at all. She would keep her word to him and not say anything. Especially since he was the Alpha. He could forbid her from coming on pack lands if she pissed him off.

Rebekah continued making dinner, and asked a few questions, but she was mostly silent. "He's not going to leave her alone," she finally said when Riley finished.

"I'm afraid not," Riley said, wondering if Ethan had thought of that.

"Will she move?"

"I don't know. I don't exactly want to bring it up with her right now." It was too much.

"You're going to have to," Rebekah said. "She doesn't need to go back there. Next time, he could end up killing her."

"What are you making?" Riley asked, changing the subject.

"Chicken Noodle Soup. It's good for the soul. Mila needs some comfort food." Rebecca gave the soup another stir.

"How are things?" Riley asked when Rebecca sat down. She wanted to ask about Alpha William but if she did, Rebecca would want to know how she knew and that could get her in trouble with the current Alpha. Ethan was much better looking than William.

"Better. Someone challenged William," Rebekah said.

Riley actually knew quite a bit about what had been happening out at the Alamo Pack. She knew that up until about a year ago, things had been just fine until suddenly they weren't. The money had dried up and the once prosperous pack was suddenly on the decline, barley making ends meet. "How did that go?"

"Better than we anticipated. William is no longer around. He was hiding money. A lot of money." Rebekah came over and sat down at the table.

"And the new Alpha?" Ethan.

The Alpha Prince's Mate (Book 7 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now