Chapter 26

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Mila really liked Noelle. She was hard not to like. But she liked her even more and ended up shedding a few tears when she found out Noelle had collected all of the pieces of photos, pieced them back together and copied them and printed out new ones for her.

"You did this for me?" She didn't even know the woman, and she was completely in shock.

"Rebekah told me about your parents and how dear these photos were to you," Noelle said softly.

"I really appreciate this. Truly," she said as she looked over the photos. This meant the world to her.

"You also have some clothes that are fine," Noelle told her, taking her over to a neat pile of clothes.

Mila breathed out slowly as she looked through the clothes, happy to see that she could get by with what was there. She would eventually need to buy more clothes, but she wasn't going to be desperate for them, or walking around naked.

She would need to get some new panties and bras though. She sighed. Bras were so expensive. Maybe she could wait on those. She knew she had two. Not ideal, but she'd do what she needed to. None of her underwear was very sexy either. She sighed.

"Ethan will be back soon," Noelle said, and Mila turned to her.

"He said you're the eldest?" Maybe she could learn a few things from Noelle.

"Yeah. What has he told you about our family?" Noelle asked curiously.

"Nothing really. He just said you're the eldest and he's the youngest." That and she knew his last name and that he was a werewolf and from Pennsylvania. It wasn't much.

"You'll probably have to ask him questions. He's a guy and he doesn't think about such things. He'll tell you if you ask. He kinda sucks at calling home too," Noelle said with a laugh.

"Can't he do that mind link thing?" That had creeped her out a bit earlier, simply because she hadn't known what was happening.

"Not from that distance. We have to be much closer to be able to link each other," Noelle said.

"Will Ethan be okay here by himself? Without his pack?" It had been nagging a bit in her mind once she'd found out that he was staying here away from them.

Noelle smiled at her. "Yeah. He'll be okay."

She nodded, though she still felt uncertain about it. She wanted to ask Noelle more questions, but she really didn't know her and she was Ethan's sister. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course," Noelle walked over and sat down on the couch and Mila followed her.

"This mate thing.."

"The mate bond?"

"Yeah. Does Ethan feel it like I do?"

"No. He feels it more intensely than you do, Mila. It doesn't instantly make you fall in love, but he's very attracted to you," Noelle sat down on the couch.

"And I can reject him?" She didn't want to, but she needed to know.

She saw Noelle frown. "Yes. Are you thinking about it?"

"No. But what would happen if I did?"

Noelle sighed. "It's painful. Your heart aches, especially at first. You feel like you can't breathe. But he'll be okay though."

Mila watched the other woman stare at the floor for a long moment. "Did it happen to you?"

Noelle looked up. "Yes. My first mate was married with three children."

The Alpha Prince's Mate (Book 7 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now