Part Two - Chapter Sixteen: Shocking Revelations

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Charlie shifted nervously looking at Nicola and Fernando, she had never thought that she would get this chance to speak with them; she knew that this was a shock for them, that there was two of her with them now. 

"How is this possible?" Fernando asked staring at Charlie, he didn't know how to react in this situation; the one year old Charlotte was safely in the car behind him while a grown-up Charlotte stood in front of him. 

"It's a long, long story," Charlie replied offering her parents a small smile, she couldn't believe that she got this chance to speak to them; she couldn't remember the last time that she had spoken to her parents together. 

Nicola swallowed watching Charlie, she linked her fingers with Fernando's; she had a bad feeling about why Charlie was here. 

Nicola knew that for Charlie to come back in time to this point that something had to have happened; she stared at Charlie wanting to know what had happened to force her to come back in time to see them. 

"We have time," Fernando stated watching Charlie, he could see that she was nervous and he didn't blame her; he was sure that there was some sort of rule against this. 

Charlie swallowed looking at her parents, she knew that she would already be in trouble for them discovering who she really was; so she didn't see the harm in staying and talking to them. 

"I'll have to call Nora," Charlie mumbled without thinking before covering her mouth realising what she had just gone, making Fernando choke realising that not one but both of his daughters where here grown up. 

Nicola looked to her husband as a horrible feeling formed in her stomach and she knew that this couldn't be a good thing; she had no idea what was going to happen and she worried for their future. 

"I shouldn't have said that," Charlie whispered biting her lip nervously, Lilia would kill her when she learnt what had happened; Nicola gave Fernando's hand a comforting squeeze.

"You're both here?" Fernando checked making Charlie nod her head, she refrained herself from saying anymore knowing that she had already said too much; Fernando took a deep breath and licked his chapped lips. 

Fernando couldn't believe that both his daughters were here from the future, he had no idea what to make of this; he loved the idea of seeing them both to see how they turned out as adults. 

"Could you call her... ask her to meet us?" Fernando asked making Charlie shift nervously, she had promised to not interfere with their lives; but it seemed a little late now, since Charlie was stood before them. 

Nicola was silent watching Charlie, she still couldn't work out what was going on and she wished that someone would just tell them why they were here; she didn't want to think about what could be waiting for them in the future. 

"I don't think that's a good idea," Charlie mumbled making Fernando frown, he could sense that she was hiding something from him and he didn't like it. 

Fernando wanted nothing more than to see his daughters, it was so strange to think that both adult versions of them were in the present and he was curious about why that was. 

Charlie sighed as she ran a hand through her dark brown hair, Nicola watching her daughter; she couldn't believe that she was here all grown up and it was a strange thought to think about. 

"Back to the house?" Nicola suggested making Charlie nod her head, Fernando looked at his wife; she flashed him a smile causing him to sigh and nod, they both wanted answers about what was going on and why their daughters had come back in time.

Charlie took a deep breath and looked at her parents, there was something that she needed to do first and she knew that there was going to be consequences for what she was doing. 

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