Part Two - Chapter One: Surprise Gifts

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Hearing the cries of their newborn daughter, Nicola Torres grumbled as she wondered if she would ever have a peaceful night's sleep again; her husband rolled over and pressed a kiss to her bare shoulder.

"I'll get her," Fernando Torres murmured gently before he moved to climb out of bed, he peeked at Nicola who was already falling back asleep making him smile.

Fernando padded into the nursery that was in the next room from theirs, he smiled softly as he picked Charlotte up and held her close to his bare chest wanting to settle her as quickly as possible without waking anyone else.

"Shh it's okay," Fernando murmured heading downstairs to get fed her; Charlotte cuddled into his chest making Fernando smile as they entered the kitchen.

Nicola had bottled some of her breast milk so that he could help with the night feeding while Charlotte was still so young; he smiled as he pulled a bottle of milk from the fridge and moved to warm it.

Fernando watched Charlotte as she lay in his arms, he couldn't believe that she was a week old; she was still so small but she was getting stronger every day.

Nora had settled in perfectly as a big sister, Fernando was pleased to see that the little girl was happy to help Nicola around the house while she looked after Charlotte.

Collecting the milk bottle, Fernando made sure it wasn't too hot before moving into the living room to feed her; he smiled down at Charlotte as he feed her.

Stroking the small brown patch of hair on top of Charlotte's head, Fernando smiled as he remembered feeding Nora when she had been this small; the sleepless nights wouldn't last forever.

Things wouldn't be like this forever and Fernando hoped that they had seen the last of all the trouble with Gideon now gone; he didn't want his family in more danger.


Nicola yawned quietly climbing out of bed, she smiled at Fernando as he curled into his pillow tiredly while Charlotte called for her morning feed; she was impressed that he was doing his part.

Nicola slowly made her way to collect Charlotte before she woke Nora, who smiled at her; the little girl had grown to accept her role as a big sister and loved spending time with Charlotte.

After preparing Nora's breakfast, Nicola sat at the kitchen table as she breastfeed Charlotte; she smiled at the little girl who sat down, things were peaceful and she hoped it stayed that way.

"Did you sleep well?" Nicola asked stroking Charlotte's head softly while she feed, Nora nodded eating her breakfast; it was taking some getting used to and the family were coping well with the newest addition.

Fernando walked into the kitchen and pressed a kiss to the top of Nora's head, he yawned he was exhausted and sat down at the table; he wanted to sleep more but he knew that he had to go to work.

"You didn't have to get up," Nicola mused looking her husband, she had no idea how he managed to work on so little sleep and she worried that he was pushing himself to hard.

Fernando had offered to take most of the night time feedings so that Nicola could rest, he wanted to do his part and he adored spending time with his daughters; their lives were perfect and nothing to ruin things for them after everything that had happened.

"I don't mind," Fernando murmured smiling, he watched Nicola feed Charlotte and he wondered how he had gotten so lucky in life; he had two beautiful children and a gorgeous wife.


"What the hell?" Nicola asked staring at the gifts that had magically appeared in the living room, she had no idea what was going on and she hoped that more wouldn't arrive; she had nowhere to put this stuff.

Nora smiled at Nicola while they watched Fernando try to sort through the gifts that were scattered across the room; Charlotte cooed softly in Nicola's arms as another gift appeared.

"They're from all over the world... what the hell is going on?" Fernando asked making Nicola sigh as she watched her husband, she didn't have the faintest of ideas on what was going on and it worried her about why it was happening.

The familiar sound of bells made the couple turn to see Sandra appeared to them, Nora watched the Elder as she smiled at the family; she moved closer to Nicola wondered who the woman was.

"It's a pleasure to see you all again," Sandra said smiling at the couple, Fernando nodded moving to sit next to Nicola not trusting the woman that had appeared; the Elder watched them knowing that she would have to explain.

Glancing around the room, it was clear that the magical world was aware that Charlotte had been born and that there was no hiding the truth from her parents anymore especially with what could happen.

"You are aware that Charlotte is a gifted child?" Sandra asked making the couple nod, it was clear to see that the child who was a witch-whitelighter hybrid was something to one day be reckoned with.

The couple had already been forced to deal with one person trying to take Charlotte but they wouldn't be the last and there would be people willing to kill to what they wanted.

"Gideon mentioned that she was the child of some prophecy," Fernando muttered annoyed making Nicola look at him confused, he hadn't really told her about what had happened while he had been held hostage.

The couple were trying to focus on the good things that had happened and not the mess that had occurred just before Charlotte had been born; the past week had been crazy enough without it all.

"He was telling the truth... Charlotte is the child twice-blessed not only is she born of the Matthews line from her mother but she is also a whitelighter, the first hybrid in existence," Sandra explained making Nicola and Fernando stare at her worried, they wondered what this meant for their daughter.

Charlotte cooed in her mother's arms making Nicola look down at her and smile softly at her, Fernando watched Sandra who smiled at him.

"Your daughter will be the most powerful witch that the world has ever seen," Sandra explained making the couple stare at her while Nora looked at her baby sister.

It would mean that a lot of demons would be coming Charlotte cooed in her mother's arms making the blonde look down at her and smile softly at her, Fernando watched Sandra who smiled at him.

"Your daughter will be the most powerful witch that the world has ever seen," Sandra murmured making the couple stare at her while Nora looked at her baby sister; it would mean that a lot of demons would be coming for her.

Nicola groaned not wanting to think about what could possibly happen now, she didn't want more trouble in their lives not when things had been so peaceful and they had children to think about.

"I wish you the best," Sandra said nodding at the couple before she orbed away leaving the family alone, Fernando sighed as he looked at his wife and then at his two daughters; this made things difficult.

"We're been through worse Fernando... we can handle a couple of demons who think they can take her," Nicola said making Fernando sigh, he wasn't going to lose any of them again.

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