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"But how long do we have to hide our relation little sparrow" I asked Panchi. It's been a week since Panchi confessed her feelings and kissed me that night in her balcony. Thankfully no one saw us then. Panchi insisted that we shouldn't tell anyone yet, and of course, just a good boyfriend I agreed.

"It's just that Vihang, I don't want anyone to judge. I should be grieving and not-" she stopped without completing her sentence. We were sitting in the same balcony, watching the same skyline. I grabbed her by waist and pulled her closer. I know what she was thinking.

"And not kissing your boyfriend" I said, finishing her sentence. The entire week we spent together at her apartment. It was difficult to hide from my dear brother, who'd show up any time, without even a warning. "But you know no one will judge you. And if anyone dares to even lay an eye on my little sparrow, I'll pop those eyes out" my words earned me a punch on the arm.

I fake cried at her action, to which she laughed. The laugh, I was craving to hear. Then again I tightened my grip on her waist and squeezed her closer, if that was possible. "Why do you call me little sparrow? I feel like, I should give you nickname too" she said resting her head on my shoulder. Her strawberry and honey scent reached my nose.

"Because you are little, and a sparrow. My little sparrow" I said, her fingers making patterns on my chest. Everything just felt perfect in that moment. I kissed her forehead and rested my head over hers. She hummed and then thought for a minute. "In that case, I should call you big crow" she said smirking. I chuckled at her comment. Then making circles on her exposed stomach, I spoke. "Atleast you got the big part right" I said looking at her then at my lower body.

She frowned, but I could see her cheeks turning red. She rolled her eyes and shook her head. But her eyes had a mischief in them. "I'll call you big black crow from now then" she said with a smug face. Then eyeing me, she laughed.

I started tickling her. Our gaze met for a brief minute and the next thing we know, our mouths are on each other, my hands exploring her body with an urgency. We kissed like we were hungry for each other since forever. Without breaking our kiss, I picked her up and took her in her room. Throwing her on the bed, I saw her. Something new reflecting in her eyes.

I towered her lowering my mouth. In anticipation she closed her eyes again. Her lips quivering, instead of kissing her lips, I placed a little peck on her cheeks. Slowly she opened her eyes. Meeting my gaze, she opened her mouth but closed without saying anything. "I know sweetheart" I said placing another kiss on her temple.

We lay against each other, watching the ceiling. Our fingers locked, my thumb was drawing circles on the back of her hand. "Vihang" she said my name. My name from her mouth sounded like music. She turned and rested her head on my chest. I stretched my arm and positioned it under her shoulder.

"Promise me, you'll never leave me" she said in a low voice. I pulled her closer leaving no space between us. Before I could say anything, the doorbell rang. I groaned and complained, because it was Sid. Every day, he comes and checks up on Panchi. I have to hide till he leaves. I love my brother but sometimes I just want to strangle him.

"Don't pout, he's my best friend. And your brother" she said. I sighed and stood up to hide at my usual spot, in Panchi's wardrobe, feeling her scent everywhere. She went to open the door. "You" I heard her and ran towards her. On the entrance, stood her mother. Annoyance visible on my face.

"What do you want" I said in a neutral voice, shielding Panchi. What she went through once was enough torture for her. She held my arm from behind. "Panchi, beta listen to me once" she said looking at Panchi over my shoulder. I shifted in a way, blocking her view. Looking at her I shook my head, warning her, not to cross her limits.

"Ok let's make a deal. Your father promised me half of his company in return for looking after you. Give me my share and I'll leave you alone" She blurted out taking a step back as I took one forward. I froze at her words. The woman noticed that and took advantage of the situation, walking towards Panchi.

Soon enough realization knocked in me and I stopped her midway. "Before I do something, I'll regret later, leave" I warned her. She must saw the anger in my eyes because she mumbled something under her breath and left. Slowly I turned towards Panchi, who was still standing in the same position.

I called her name but she gave no reaction. I held her hand when finally I saw tears forming in her eyes. I grabbed her in my arms and stood still, giving her as much warmth as I could. Rubbing my hand on her back, I consoled her. "It's ok sweetheart, I won't let her anywhere near you, or the company" I said but she kept crying.

Still holding her in my embrace, I managed to walk us to the dining table. Making her sit, I filled a glass with water and insisted her to drink. Sitting beside her, I waited for her to calm down. "I'll call Gopal uncle right now and ask him to undo whatever dad promised her" she said. I remained silent, thinking of a rational approach.

I kneeled down infront of her and cupped her face. "Listen to me little sparrow, I will personally deal with this, tomorrow" I assured her, because, I could see it in her eyes, she was hurt, tired and heart broken by her own mother. She held my hand with both her hand.

I leaned to kiss Panchi, when I heard a noise from behind. "What the fu-" It was Sid's voice. I cursed under my breath and shut my eyes. Panchi startled, leaving me unbalanced. Panchi and I stood up facing Sid. His gaze shifting between the both of us. "Sid, I was... Vihang was just" Panchi said, but couldn't form a single sentence. I held her hand, Sid's eyes widened.

"Just kissing" I completed. Panchi and Sid both looked at me with shock. I respect Panchi's reasons for hiding our relation but there was no point in lying now. Sid opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. "Vihang, what are you" Panchi said but I squeezed her hand and nodded in assurance. 

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