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  "Please Vihang, let me go" Panchi's words were repeating in my mind continuously. I can understand whatever she feels. Her past traumas have left a deep impact on her, but my love for her is pure. I know that one day I'll change her mind. I'll prove it to her that I will never leave her, no matter what.

When I saw tears in her eyes, I cursed myself for putting her in such situation. Last night in the car when she said those words, I decided to give her a little space. Not push her love me back, even though I can see in her eyes that she wants me as much as I do.

After returning her phone I tried to practice but my focus was gone. I called Vartika and asked her if she was free for drinks but her hospital was low on staff so she had to stay back. The first person on my contact list was Abheer so without thinking it through, I called him.

"Ok then, will pick you in fifteen" I said and hung up the call. Thankfully his classes were cancelled. I drove to his college to pick him up. My eyes involuntarily roamed the empty seat beside me, where Panchi was sitting last night. Her face flashed infront of eyes. I stopped the car in the middle of the road, banged my hand on the staring wheel.

In about ten minutes I reached Abheer, he was already waiting for me. We went to a club nearby and ordered to beers. This was the first time I've even hung out with Abheer like this, alone. I do love equally as Sid but still it was a little awkward. "So what's going on with you" I asked him to lighten the mood.

We talked about some general topics for a few minutes but now I was getting out of things to talk to him about. "She just needs a lot of reassurance Bhai. She's been getting hurt all her life" he said after a two minute silence. I was taken aback by his sudden comment. How does he even know about Panchi? Is he even talking about her? Hell does Sid knows"

"Don't worry, Sid doesn't has the slightest idea" Before I could say anything he spoke again. My mouth fell open but I couldn't say anything. I always knew Abheer is the sensible one out of the two of them. I thought there was no point in beating around the bush so I told him everything.

"How did you know Sid was the one" I asked him after he listened to me patiently. Vartika would have presented with a million theories by now. I made a mental note to do this hang out/ therapy session more often with Abheer.

He engulfed his scotch in one go before answering. Yes reading my situation, we had upgraded to scotch from beer. "When I met him, I knew he was different from the others, but that's not why I love him. You know bhai, whenever I wasn't around Sid, there was only one thought in my mind" he said and paused assessing me and deciding if I was worth his secret.

I looked at him in anticipation. The waiter interrupted us, asking if we wanted to order more drinks or something else. I asked him to just refill our drinks. I was getting annoyed by this unnecessary long pause. I kept looking at him for an answer.

"You know you love someone, when you are eager to share even the smallest and the most stupid details of your life with them. When you can't wait to talk to them at the end of the day. When their voice can calm even your worst mood. You are happiest around them" he said. His face had a smile as if he was thinking about Sid at the moment.

My mind went to the times Panchi and spent together. Abheer kept describing the feeling of being in love and I kept picturing Panchi. My little sparrow. I don't even know when Abheer stopped talking and was watching me with a grin on his face. I was about to ask him to stop that when my phone rang.

It was Panchi so without wasting a single second I picked up the call. "Hello" I said but heard her crying so I panicked and stood up. Abheer also got up with me. "What. I'm on my way" I said and hung up. Abheer looked at me worried so I told him what happened. "Don't worry bhai, you go. I'll take care of the bill" he said when I was already midway to the exit.  

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