56/History Repeats Itself

Start from the beginning

"Lesley, you know I miss being busy and social."

"I know." She says sadly, "Just think about how you will be able to move properly in a few years."

"All I think about is Leo nowadays." I say as I look to the sky, wondering about just what he's doing. Lesley looks startled that I said such words. "Leo is a horrible horrible man." Lesley tells me with gritted teeth.

"I want to go out in the world and prove that he's innocent, I'll write a twenty page essay if I have to. I'll prove he's innocent, just like how I tried to prove-" these words got stuck in my throat before they reached the air that lead them into Lesley's ears, because I knew that Lesley hated when I brought this up.

"Like how I tried to prove that my sister, Alexis Blue wasn't the demon that people thought she was."

"I know." Lesley sighed. "Well, it's over now."

Lesley had the kind ability to stay with me untill Sararose came back, which wasn't too long of a wait. Lesley put in amazing efforts to make sure that I wasn't alone, because she cares too much about my health. She doesn't demand me to be grateful, because she knows that I am, despite how many times I try to tell her that I want to leave the house.

I'm about to get inside the car when I turn back to tell Lesley. "I was only out of the house for physical therapy. I was only trying to get better at walking again."

But Lesley had already left.

Leo Blue was one of the few people that I dream of every night, but these dreams would take my back to a long time ago of when Leo was a young kid. Him and I would run up the balcony of my Father's house, and Leo at only nine years old would say, "Hey Dad! Watch me jump to the roof!" Then I protest saying, "No! Leo, it's too dangerous!" Only to see that Leo took a small bird out of a crack in the roof that seemingly got stuck. He lifts the bird up and says, "Fly away, little one. You're free!" The cute little bird flies into the blue summer sky, joining the other birds as they soar above Tennessee.

Not only do I dream about it, it really did happen. Leo knew about the bird in mysterious ways without having any evidence. I was so shocked that I couldn't even tell my wife and daughter that story, it was too surreal.

To think that Leo today is actually going about his life tempting people and killing them is just to unrealistic. He was as rare as the glimmer of a commet in the sky. He had to be the kindest kid to ever grace this earth.

This takes me back to the rustiest year of my existence. I knew someone once when I was a child, who was sweet and imaginative like Leo was. She was Alexis Blue. My older sister by two years. Although we were poor and lonely as a family, Alexis was still hopeful and optimistic. She wanted to be an actress, of any kind. She was talented, feisty, had a beautiful singing voice, and made her own dolls out of old socks and yarn. That was talent at it's finest. 

I remember being thirteen when Alexis started waking up in the middle of the night to go somewhere in the house and begin talking loudly to herself.

We had no idea what was going on with her, but I remember how traumatized she looked when she woke up of the floor covered in dust from the attic. She started sleep walking more and more often, untill she started doing it mid day without control over her own body. My Mother couldn't even take her to a doctor because we had to sell our own cars since we were so poor. Our parents were depressed enough to stop trying and simply forbid Alexis from leaving the house, rightfully so, which I didn't think about it too much back then. Alexis was so desperate to go outside, but our parents would crush her spirit every day telling her that she was dangerous.

Alexis was incredibly lovable amongst the people in our village, so people wondered what happened to her, and our parents refused to tell the full story, which annoyed me SO MUCH. 

Alexis did escape one night, nobody saw or heard her leave the house at all. We lost our sh*t because we were so terrorfied of where she could've gone, and we soon found out from our neighbors that Alexis came to a local bar and slashed an innocent man's neck with the knife, killing him, and then running off. All. while. asleep.

People began to fear her afterwards, and Alexis then had to get tied to her bed with a rope so she wouldn't escape at night. She stayed optimistic about it, knowing that someday she'll be her normal self again.

There was one night where she begged me to free her from her bed, and I saved her because I couldn't resist. I can picture it after all these days. She goes up to the window, and looks at me, as if she knows that I would ask, "What do you think you're doing?"

She was standing barefoot next to the window, wearing our Dad's old tee shirt, her long and wavy, her eyes as brown as coffee, her tone soft as fabric, "I'll be back." 

The last time I have ever seen her was that day.

People in the village assumed that she was evil, or a demon, but I couldn't see it because I knew her.

It's like history is repeating itself. Why is it that the nicest people turn out to be murderers?

Author's note: That's a taste of what Sean Blue has to deal with every day. Anyway, you get him again in the next chapter, so stay tuned!!

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