The Three Year Gap, Month Ten: Korra

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"That is still quite impressive."

"Tell that to the baby that outwalked me last week."

Katara shook her head. "I told you to pay little Eko no mind."

"How could I when he was taunting me!" Korra leaned backward with a grin as Katara moved back to her pool of water. Though she rarely ever felt in a joking mood, it was nice to mess around with people again. For a long time, it was like everyone was allergic to having fun around her, but it really helped take her mind off of things even for a little bit.

"Well, that aside, let's end with something I want you to work on during your trip with your parents."

"Ugh, I have homework?"

"You could say that." Pressing a now cool touch over the places where her hands had been, Katara explained, "You mentioned having trouble knowing where to start with looking inward, so I've given a bit more attention to your throat and crown chakra. I am hoping that, with some initiative from you, they will help you with some self-reflection."

Having to spend who knows how long in the tundra with her parents already seemed like a not-fun idea, but now Katara was making her think? That was just too much.

"I'm going to have to tell you all about what I learned when I get back, aren't I?"

"See, you're already learning."


The night was surprisingly much warmer than the day had been, and Korra almost felt as if she could go without the thick winter coat gnawing at her arms. Almost. She had the distinct feeling that she would regret that choice the minute she made it.

Given that she had only just started making progress with her ability to move her limbs more than a few inches, Korra was going to be confined to the sled her mom had made her for the foreseeable future during their journey. Why her dad had decided to take her to do something she couldn't really physically do, she didn't know, but part of her kind of liked it. It was as if no one was walking on eggshells around how different she was anymore.

Watching her dad intently as he stoked the small fire he managed to make in the face of the biting winds, Korra couldn't help but furrow her brows. "What?" she asked. Her dad flinched, almost as if he didn't realize that he was staring, but Korra knew him better than that. There was something on his mind.

"You just have the same pout on your face Lemaya did this morning."

Korra felt a short jolt rush through her as her finger unconsciously moved to run across the braided thread tied around her wrist. "I'm sure hers was because of you, too," she joked. Tonraq chuckled and threw the small twig in his hand into the fire.

"What did I do?"

"You're making your daughter go ice fishing," Senna interrupted with a sly grin, a handful of frozen-over wood in hand. "You know how much she hates it."

"But she used to love it as a kid!"

"And now she's eighteen, it's been more than enough time for her opinions to change."

Her mom caught her eye and they shared a knowing look as her dad huffed indignantly. "See, this is why I said to let Korra plan this trip," he muttered to himself.

"Actually, you wanted to let your aides do it for you."

Korra smiled in amusement. "You were gonna have them compete for your favor in the selection process, weren't you?" Tonraq threw his hands up in defense as his wife and daughter both looked at him with almost identical raised brows.

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