The Three Year Gap, Month Five: Bolin

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Bolin was way too excited to take Lemaya up on her offer to go visit Kyoshi Island. At least, according to his brother who was not too fond of the idea of once more being on a boat for weeks on end.

"But it will be her last week on the island," Bolin had pouted, placing his hands pleadingly before his brother's face. "What if she goes back to the South and we never get a chance to see her again?"

Mako had rolled his eyes at his brother's dramatics. "It's not like she's disappearing forever."

"You say that, but then in ten months when we can't get a hold of her because she's gone like the wind, you'll look back on this moment and remember what could have been."

Needless to say, Bolin had convinced his brother to get on the ship. Not for the soundness of Bolin's logic, per se, but because Asami had agreed to go and get them there much faster than a ship ever could.

"That was..."

"Amazing. Wonderful. Thrilling?" Asmai smiled widely as she shook her hair out of her leather helmet.

"I was gonna say scary, but sure, we can go with that."

Mako climbed off first, settling his feet in the lush green fields so that Bolin could toss all their bags down to him. Bolin was very glad that his brother had taken that initiative because it meant that he wasn't the one who had to carry all their bags to the village.

Not that he planned on doing that anyway.

"Lemaya!" Bolin brightened considerably and rushed down to the ground as he noticed his friend make her way across the empty valley. "It's so good to see you!"

Laughing lightly, Lemaya gave Bolin a tight squeeze. "It's good to see you guys too.." Then, she turned to Mako and Asami with an amused brow. "So whose idea was it to fly a plane all the way across the ocean?"

"I think the better question is what happened to make said person consider that idea in the first place," Mako grimaced as he gave Lemaya a side hug. Bolin shot his brother a look. Not that it was a secret or anything, but he didn't think it would be the kindest of them to go and spill business that was not theirs.

Bolin couldn't really talk, he did it all the time, but he was trying to be better.

"Woah, what is that?"

Lemaya turned her head to the small child who had worked their way into the valley and said, "That's a plane, Nou. My friend Asami over there made it." Nou's eyes shone wide.

"You made that?" she asked.

"All by myself," Asami chuckled as she bent down to the little girl's height. "Maybe I'll give you and your friends a ride in it before I leave."

Nou shot her head up to Lemaya, a begging look in her eyes. "Can I?"

"Why are you asking me and not your dad?" Lemaya nearly toppled over as Nou raced past her, back to the other kids who had gathered on the valley's edge to look at the cool thing that had flown over their island. "Sorry about that, my uncle's kids haven't seen anything outside of the island."

Asami shook her head as she pulled Lemaya into a final hug. "No worries at all. How have you been?"

"I've been good. Though, trying to come up with a trip half as exciting as you and Bolin's vacation proved quite a challenge." Asami rolled her eyes playfully as she pulled away and Bolin couldn't help but flit his eyes nervously between them. When Asami said nothing more than that she was sure Lemaya did amazing, Bolin let out a quiet sigh.

He really didn't want to be tasked with taking apart another airship again.

"The only things to really do here are go to the beach, hang out in the village, or climb the mountains. Since there are technically beaches in Republic City, I thought we could go climb the mountain."

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