p a r t v - e p i l o g u e.

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---------a few weeks later

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-a few weeks later..

"Yes! That's right! Straighten your posture." Stephanie called out while clapping her hands. Nubia danced, twisting around as she straightened her back causing her weight to shift. She turned and turned until she was dizzy, coming to a halt as she held the bar. They were in Stephanie's dance studio that was in her home, the two women in their leotards covered in sweat.

"That's my girl! You still got it, see?!" Stephanie grinned. Nubia panted, wiping her forehead as she shot her mentor a small smile. It's been a few weeks since she left home, Nubia slowly getting back to her old self. It took lectures and a reality check from both Stephanie and Leiya for her to break out of her trance.

She knew she had much more to live for. Stephanie told her to look at this as a second chance to do things right. Taking this time for herself allows Nubia to figure out what it is she wanted out of life. What she thought she wanted crumbled right in front of her eyes and she refused to lose control over herself because of it.

Stephanie had her on a strict diet and routine, no drinking besides a glass of wine and bedtime by twelve a.m. It's been working, it taking Nubia some time and a few arguments for her to get used to it. She felt good, a lot better than she did when she first came to the wives for help.

"I'm going to go get washed up. You okay?" Stephanie asked as she handed Nubia her bottle of water. Nubia nodded, taking a sip as she cooled down while staring at the mirror. She gained a little bit of muscle, her figure getting back to normal after dropping so much weight from depression.

"Yes. Thank you for everything. Seriously."

"Hey, you know you're my principessa. Anything you need, I'll do my best. Leiya is waiting for me upstairs so.." Stephanie winked, Nubia laughing as she nodded. She sighed, watching as Stephanie disappeared up the steps before slumping over. She was more tired than usual today, but her energy was still up.

"No! No! She's been doing so well! Just leave her be!" Nubia's ears perked as she heard Stephanie's voice from upstairs along with a few others. Nubia walked up the stairs slowly, peeking around the corner before gasping as the familiar green eyes immediately found hers.

No...no. You were supposed to leave me alone.

"Nubia? Please, please let me talk to her. It's important."

"Steph, please just let him through." Stephanie glared up at her wife who just stared back, holding her ground. Adrien looked between them before looking back at the stairway where they saw Nubia just moments ago.

"Principessa...Per favore vieni qui." Stephanie huffed in Italian. Nubia slowly turned the corner where she was hiding, her eyes finding Adrien's pained ones as she walked over. There she was, their lover who looked the same yet so different. They nearly crumbled, swallowing hard as their teary eyes darted to Stephanie's.

"You'll be okay?" Stephanie asked Nubia, Nubia nodding while squeezing the older woman's hand. Her sharp green eyes analyzed theirs for another moment, her footsteps harsh as she walked off with Leiya following behind her.

"How did you.."

"I had a feeling." Adrien mumbled. Nubia sighed, leaning against the counter while tapping her fingers against the marble surface. Adrien just watched, their eyes pained and red rimmed.

"What do you want, Adrien?" Her voice was soft, but the exhaustion was evident. It hurt them, Adrien wanting nothing more than to hear her say it.

"Closure I guess."

"From what?" Nubia asked harshly. They nearly flinched from her voice, Adrien whimpering slightly. They weren't sure where this disdain she had surfaced from, but it was a completely different tone that she's never used with them before.

"Nothing. I don't even know why I came here-"

"Yes you do. You thought maybe if I saw you that I'd change my mind and come home. But I won't. I can't. Not right now. I just got back on my feet after weeks of destroying myself. Please just give me space and a chance to think things through."

"But what about me?" Adrien's voice sounded child like. It was nearly a whine, Nubia's eyes watering from the hurt that was laced within their words. She knew she was making a selfish decision, but she knew it was for the best. She couldn't continue to sacrifice herself any longer. She barely had anything left to give and what she did have needed to go toward herself.

"Adrien..that's the exact problem we have, okay? We are codependent on each other. What about you? How else do I have to explain that I have NOTHING left? I have nothing left to give to anyone else. I'm grieving, I'm hurt and I'm just tired of having to be the one to hold everyone else together. I need this. I NEED it. If you can't give it to me then it's clear that your needs are more important than mine-"

"Don't say that! Don't you sit here and say that because you know it's not true! You're not the only one who's sacrificed anything for this relationship and everyone in general. I have been the scapegoat. I have been the one everyone dumped everything on. And now the one person I actually wanted to do those things for is leaving me alone. Danielle and Nour are moving to Greece, my mom has her own stuff going on and now here you go. Just like everyone else. Don't you think I need someone to?"

"Well it can't be me, okay?!" Nubia yelled back. Adriens mouth was agape, the hurt in their chest spreading like wildfire from her words. She was heaving, her nostrils flaring as the anger lit up in her eyes.

"It can't! It's like you're not hearing me or something. How can I help you when I can't even help myself?! Huh?! For fucks sake! This is why I want space so we can HEAL. So we don't have to need each other, but WANT each other. I don't want to need anyone. Including you!"

Adrien just stared, their body slowly shutting down and going into autopilot from her words. They felt betrayed but they knew that it was selfish to feel that way. They couldn't help it, though. They felt unreal, as if everything they've ever done meant nothing to anyone.

"It's okay." Their voice was null. It completely lacked emotion and it hurt Nubia. She wanted to swallow her tongue, watching as they just nodded.

"Dre, wait. Please just..can you please try and understand where I'm coming from here? Please?"

"I do."

"Papa, please.." Nubia sobbed as she touched their face. They moved away from her touch, their face blank as they moved away from her.

"You do what you gotta do, okay? I got you."

"Adrien." Nubia whined. They finally looked down at her, their eyes full of tears as they just smiled sheepishly. She leaned in, kissing their lips softly causing them to nearly break apart, a shaky breath leaving their nose.

"I will find you when I'm ready. Please just..give me time. Please. This is not forever..it's just for right now, Dre." Nubia begged, the pain in her voice triggering their sobs which made her cry. They both stood there for a while, rocking back and forth as they comforted each other. Adrien inhaled her scent, letting out a shaky breath and using their strength to leave a lingering kiss on her forehead.

"Goodbye Nubia."

"Goodbye Dre."

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