p a r t v - e p i l o g u e.

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-----------"Anything?" Nour asked as he placed his bag onto the hospital bed

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"Anything?" Nour asked as he placed his bag onto the hospital bed. It's been two days since Nubia disappeared and everyone was a mess. Danielle woke up to a call from the hospital saying Nour was awake and the joy that came with the news soon faltered as she looked for her daughter so she could tell her.

She was nowhere to be found, Danielle waking Adrien up in a panic which then triggered their own. They called everyone they could, no one knowing where she was which killed the both of them. Danielle nearly lost it, Adrien having to drive to the hospital from her being so distraught.

When they got there, Danielle tried her best to hold it together, praising God that her husband was okay. He was a little confused, Adrien trying their best to help Danielle as much as they could. Once Nour was fully oriented and checked by a doctor, Danielle finally told him what was going on.

Nour broke, nearly ripping out his I.V from being so frantic. He wanted nothing more than to find his princess, Nour hating himself more than anything. He was now packing his things, Danielle keeping herself busy by folding the hospital bedsheets that they all knew the staff were going to toss out anyway.

"There was an envelope on my bed. I just..I haven't read it yet."

"There was one on mine too." Adrien responded briefly. Nour sighed, thinking about whether this was his karma for what was done with Iyana, his ex wife. It still haunts him to this day, Danielle constantly reassuring him that there was nothing to worry about. She forgave him a long time ago, but lately as he watched his life among everyone else's fall apart, he couldn't help but blame himself.

"We can read them together. Let's just..let's go home."

"Are you okay, papa? I need you to calm down. You have to stay calm." Danielle whispered. Adrien heard, smiling sadly at the pet name that Nubia also used for them.

"I'm okay, baby. I just want to go home and figure this out."

"You coming with us, right?" Danielle asked Adrien as she walked toward them. They nodded, Danielle sighing before wrapping her arms around them. Adrien hugged her back, Nour watching with heavy eyes before standing up slowly and grabbing his things.

"We're going to figure this out. All three of us."

The drive home was tense, the three of them deep in thought as Adrien drove to the Abdul-Sanaa residence. They were worried, thinking about all of the possibilities. Stephanie came to mind, but Adrien knew Stephanie would tell them if she was there.

All they knew is that they had to read the letter she left. They hoped and prayed it wasn't like Mason, saying goodbye without ever having a chance to see her again. They needed her here, even if they weren't together. She belonged here, especially more than them.

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