prologue: Where it began

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an: before we begin. I would like to tell you. this will be me attempting to do more world building and trying to fix the lore that wizards and rise of the titans broke. As such, I will be adding my own original ideas, and also crossover stuff. this is more than a trollhunter fic, but it will follow trollhunter's plot. just heads up, expect some new faces and ideas.



Hello. I am Jim Lake Jr., Son of Barbara Lake. It's been a long time since my story unfolded, but if you're reading this, you must be seeking the truth behind the legends of the champions of Merlin and Morgana. Well, let me tell you, it's a tale woven with threads of pain, adventure, joy, hate, love, sadness, and much more.

Many assume I was the hero, the Trollhunter, Champion of Merlin. But what often goes untold is the story of my brother. This is a tale not just of adventure and duty, but also one of love, pain, burdens, and suffering.

Allow me to paint for you what it is to live under the shadows of destiny, where my brother, Y/N, stood at the centre of a storm that would shake the very foundation of our world. His journey was one of both triumph and tragedy, and it is a story that deserves to be told. So, come with me as we unravel the enigma of his existence, and uncover the secrets that lie within the heart of a tragic hero.

but it didn't start when he found his amulet but earlier.


y/n pov: 8 years old. Jim's  5th birthday

It was Jim's birthday, a day that held a bittersweet significance in the hearts of the Lake family. For it was on this day, years ago, that our father had vanished without a trace, leaving a lasting scar on our household.

I remember it clearly. the day everything changed. My keen eyes scanned the room, searching for the familiar figure of my father amidst the festivities. "Where's Dad?" I asked, my voice tinged with confusion and concern. Barbara, my mother, took me aside, her gentle voice laden with sorrow as she revealed the harsh truth. "Sweetheart, your father... he's not coming home," she confessed, her eyes brimming with unshed tears.

A lump formed in my throat as the weight of her words settled upon my young shoulders. "But... but why?" I stammered, unable to comprehend the magnitude of our father's absence.

"He... he had to go away," Barbara explained, her voice barely above a whisper. "But now, you have to be strong, Y/N. You have to be the man of the house."

My heart hammered in my chest as I struggled to digest my mother's words. "I don't understand" I whispered, voice trembling with uncertainty. I felt my mother's gaze soften. "I know, kiddo," Barbara replied, her hand reaching out to gently cup my cheek. "But sometimes, life throws us challenges we never expected." she whispered making me slowly nod. "you're strong kiddo. it's what makes you special. You have to be brave, Kiddo, For Jim's sake, and mine."

Slowly, I watched my mother leave and I stood there... alone. Emotions running rampant in my mind. why? why did he leave? what was I gonna do? What about jim?

I slowly turned only to see Mum embracing jim. I could see her whisper the words. "We have to be strong together." I watched this scene and felt sad, jim was younger... this was tough... yet I couldn't help but feel... a twinge of jealousy.  As I watched my mother embrace Jim, whispering words of comfort, a pang of jealousy pierced my heart. Why did she favour him over me? Why did she cling to him so tightly, while I was left to fend for myself? 

(BEING REWRITTEN) Shadows of Destiny: Trollhunters x male reader (crossover)Where stories live. Discover now