Vol. 2 Chapter 2.2 - Sudden Encounter

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"Hup, bang!"


The ground exploded and another beast fell as Ichinose continued to...uh... 'cheerfully' dispatch every hostile soul beast we encountered.

"These fellows never seem to catch on," she remarked as she withdrew her fist from the beast's shattered head.

Having Ichinose around truly is a blessing. Thanks to her, I hardly needed to lift a finger as she is more than eager to take on everything that came our way... In no way am I taking advantage of her, definitely not. I mean, look at how much she's enjoying herself.

Though I don't think that she relishes in the act of killing soul beasts, since after all, she had never pursued those who attempted to flee. From what I can tell, it seems to be more about the thrill of the battle itself that she enjoys.

"Anyone else?" she quipped, hands on her hips and a confident smile playing on her lips as she taunted those who would dare.

Surveying the area, I noticed several more soul beasts lurking nearby. However, they appeared hesitant to approach after witnessing Ichinose's display just now... It looks like it will be peaceful for a while.

"I thought that the advanced layer would have more 10,000-year-old soul beasts around..."

It had been nearly two hours since our entry into the forest, yet all we had encountered thus far were soul beasts at the 100 and 1,000 year level. Are we truly in the advanced layer?

"You won't find them here," she told me. "You might think we're deep into the forest, but trust me, we're still in the outer area."

Still? Granted that we were only walking at a normal pace, we should still have traveled a significant distance from where we were at... just how big is this place?

Ichinose led the way again as usual and continued. "While most high level soul beasts reside deeper into the forest, some of them could occasionally be seen around these parts. I encountered several the last time I was here."

"I'm not really searching for a high level soul beast."

As long as it is compatible with me, I'll be satisfied even if they're at a 100 year level.

"Ehh, come on, let's aim higher, Ayanokouji-kun!"

"If I go for a black ring then we'd have an identical configuration..."

Her eyes twinkled like stars and exclaimed. "Exactly!"

"I'll pass on that."

Ichinose's possession of a black soul ring was a widely-known fact. Initially, many dismissed it as an exaggeration by Ichinose's ardent fans(?); they simply couldn't fathom how someone in the rank 30s could obtain such a high-level ring. Some even went as far as accusing them of lying, hurling insults their way. Naturally, those on the receiving end didn't take it lightly, sparking a heated exchange where accusations of sacrilege and other offenses flew back and forth. What began as a small dispute quickly escalated, and soon enough, the entire grade was aware of the incident. All of this happened at the student's forum a few days after the exam.

But then someone who goes by the name of "WaveSeeker" posted a detailed account, providing undeniable proof of Ichinose's possession of the black soul ring. With this evidence, the controversy finally subsided.

I still vividly recall the day after the revelation. As I walked by to class, all eyes were on Ichinose. Despite being accustomed to popularity; it was evident that she was deeply embarrassed by the whole affair.

If the suitable soul beast for me turns out to be at the 10,000-year level, then I wouldn't pass up the chance. But even so, while I don't think something like that affair will ever happen to me, I'd still like to avoid anything remotely similar if I could.

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