Vol. 1 Chapter 4.3 - Horikita vs Kushida

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"What is she doing here?"

I heard Horikita's displeased voice pierce the air as we stood on the sixth floor of Training Ground C. The clock showed 12:25 pm, and our plan to meet here had come to fruition. However, the unexpected presence of Kushida seemed to have disrupted Horikita's expectations.

"What's wrong with her being here?"

"What's wrong? Ayanokouji-kun, this is supposed to be between the two of us alone," she replied, her tone revealing her dissatisfaction. "While I am aware that spectators are not forbidden in this facility, I still find it unpleasant that you had to bring yourself an audience for something like this."


I raised my hand in front of Kushida as she tried to speak. Getting my intention, she promptly stopped and allowed me to handle the situation.

"Well, no matter, Kushida-san's presence makes no difference whatsoever. However, spectators should remain as spectators, they have no place here on the ground, so please leave us and head upstairs," Horikita added as she addressed Kushida.

"All right then, good luck, the both of you," I told them both as I turned and headed to the bleachers.

Horikita seemed taken aback by my actions and couldn't help but question, "Eh? Where are you going, Ayanokouji-kun?"

"As you have said, spectators should remain as they are - a spectator. I'm simply following your directive."

Confusion crossed Horikita's face as she tried to make sense of my words. "I don't understand. We agreed to have our match here today, the two of us are supposed to fight here, correct?"

"I never said that."

"...You're not making any sense, Ayanokouji-kun."

Having reached the elevated area, I leaned against the railing of the bleachers and explained, "While it is true that we agreed to have a match, I never specified that I would be the one fighting."


"Kushida here is my representative, she will fight on my behalf."

Silence hung in the air, tension thickening between Horikita and Kushida as they exchanged bewildered glances. The unexpected turn of events had caught them both off guard, leaving them grasping for understanding.

I observed their reactions, knowing that my intentionally vague words to Horikita and the limited information given to Kushida had left them with more questions than answers. Horikita's brows furrowed in a mix of confusion and frustration. Meanwhile, Kushida's eyes darted between the two of us, her expression a mix of surprise, amusement and curiosity.

Horikita took a deep breath, her voice carrying a hint of resignation. "Sigh, no matter. As I have said before, none of this makes any difference. If you wish to entrust Kushida-san with your match, then so be it. However, I just want to make one thing clear, Ayanokouji-kun."

I looked at her curiously, waiting for her to continue.

"The bet still stands. Don't regret this," Horikita emphasized, her words laced with a challenging undertone.

"Of course, I have no intention of backing down at all. Whatever the results may be, there will be no objections from me."

With that exchange, Horikita made her way towards the edge of the training ground, preparing herself for the impending confrontation with Kushida. Meanwhile, Kushida wore a knowing smile as she mirrored Horikita's actions.

She had likely already deduced part of the reason behind my unnecessarily complicated maneuver. Horikita held a clear dislike for Kushida for reasons I am unaware of, and mentioning her name during the suggestion would have certainly led to an immediate rejection. It was a childish strategy, but a necessary one to start things off.

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