Vol. 1 Chapter 1.2 - To contemplate, to argue, and to explain.

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Long. It was far too long for my liking. The entrance ceremony was finally over after it dragged on for what felt like an eternity. I wasn't the only who got restless. I had sensed the same feeling of impatience from the other students around me.

The initial appearance of the headmaster and teachers was the only exciting part, but then came an endless string of speeches and formalities. We stood in lines for what felt like hours, and with the scorching sun beating down on us, it was unbearable, it was akin to being drenched in the fiery blood of a Scarlet Salamander.

However, that is not what I'm concerned with at the moment, as I walked down the halls of the academic building, I couldn't help but feel the weight of the moment. The excitement and anticipation of starting a new chapter in my life were quickly replaced with a sense of nervousness and uncertainty.

Making friends is still unfamiliar to me and now, in this new environment, I knew I had to step out of my comfort zone. Failure to do so signals the beginning of a rather tragic school life.

My classroom was in sight, my heart started beating faster as I neared the open classroom door. The moment is near. How should I go about it? Should I just walk up to people and start talking to them. Should I secretly pass around a slip of paper with my email address, so as to better befriend someone? No, that's impossible for the current me. I knew I should have prepared beforehand, I needed practice for something like this as it is completely different from the environment I've experienced thus far.

The bustling crowds of students around me only added to my anxiety. I watched as they chatted and laughed with each other, already forming their social circles. Perhaps they already knew each other beforehand — friends, old classmates, or perhaps acquaintances... I felt like an outsider, a lone wolf in a sea of people.

But I knew that I couldn't let my fears consume me... I took a deep breath and reminded myself of the importance of this moment. I had to make a good impression, to show my potential friends that I was approachable and friendly.

And so, I walked toward the seat that bore my nameplate as soon as I entered the classroom. It was at the back of the room, near the window. It was a good place to sit, the wind hit just right and I could gaze at the view without the presence of any obstacle. So, I sat there and took in the wonderful scenery before me.



What am I doing? Wasn't I supposed to make some friends? This cannot do, this isn't the time to look at some inanimate landscapes. I turned my head and looked around the classroom, searching for anyone that I could approach.

The room was already halfway filled, aside from those that already formed their own groups, others kept to themselves, some studying their class materials.

Among them in the second row in the center of the classroom, I noticed a well-built boy with slick blond hair reclined on his chair, his feet propped up on top of his desk. He exuded an aura of extreme confidence and superiority, as if the world revolved around him. His hair was perfectly coiffed and styled, with not a strand out of place. The way he carried himself was a sight to behold, with an air of nonchalance that spoke of his self-assurance. His sharp features, chiseled jawline, and piercing yellow eyes completed the image of a person who was fully aware of his own charm and attractiveness.

In his front was a rather small petite girl with twin tails. Apparently, the boy's legs were far too long that it eventually reached her side. She had to hunch her back so that she wouldn't get hit by his stretched leg. She fidgeted nervously, stealing glances at him from time to time, but appeared too meek to raise a complaint or ask him to remove his feet from his desk. The boy, seemingly unaware or unconcerned about the discomfort he was causing the girl, whipped out a hand mirror and started inspecting or rather appreciating himself.

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