Vol. 1 Chapter 3.1 - Curiosity and Caution

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A week had passed since I arrived here. Classes proceeded the same as usual, and Horikita was mean as always. Nothing new so far.

As soon as the bell rang, signifying the end of the morning classes, I packed my class materials and prepared to head out. For the past week, my routine had been nothing but attend the morning classes, and then spend the rest forging, only returning to the dorms by 10 pm right before the curfew.

I didn't have to dedicate time cultivating my soul power as of the moment as cultivating in my sleep is sufficient enough. And besides, I wasn't in a rush to rank up. I could take my time and go at my own pace. As a consequence, my finances had become quite stable.

[Points]: 698,535 p.

[Auxiliary Points]: 173,430 ap.

[Emblems]: White [4]; Yellow [0]; Purple [0]; Black [0]

These are what is currently displayed on my balance. While my main points remained untouched, I had spent around 200,000 points on food using ap, so initially I had over 300,000 ap at the very least. I also bought two more sets of rare metals from the association which costed me two more white emblems.

Currently, I'm taking a break from forging as I wanted to visit another place today— The Soul World Battle Network Station. I've wanted to check it out ever since Chabashira-sensei mentioned it last week but couldn't find the time as I wanted to familiarize myself with forging as fast as I can.

If I recall correctly, the Battle Network station is located on the west side of the lake and is quite a distance away from the first grade's area which is located on the east side. Fortunately, I wouldn't have to walk all the way as I could just ride a Soul Tram that goes around the entire campus.

Heading out of the classroom, a melodic voice called my name stopping me in my tracks. Ah right, I mentioned that nothing new happened, but there is indeed one thing...

"Yes? How may I help you, Kushida," I answered to the owner of the voice, which was my classmate, Kushida Kikyou.

These past few days, Kushida had been approaching me quite frequently, asking to go for lunch, or just hanging out in general. Back then, I was completely focused on my progress on forging, so I declined all of her approaches... except for that one time when she ambushed me at the cafeteria when I went for lunch— though she had said that it was just a coincidence... Seeing no reason to decline her at that time, I allowed her to accompany me.

Shock was evident on her face when she saw the meal set that I had ordered, it was clear that she was curious about why, but she didn't ask nor pry which I appreciated.

Initially, I had thought that she wanted to consult with me about Horikita, which was correct as she did ask me about her and sought my help again with regards to befriending her. But after that, she stayed and asked me a plethora of questions about myself, seemingly more interested. Of course, I could only answer vaguely, as even I am unsure about the answer to those questions.

From what it looks like, it seemed that befriending Horikita was only a secondary agenda to her, and I am her main priority. But why? Did I do something that caught her interest? Does she know something about me? Or is it precisely that she knows nothing, that made her want to know more.

In any case, I'll find out soon enough.

"Are you going for lunch, Ayanokouji-kun?" she asked, her smile radiant enough to brighten anyone's day. It was impossible not to be captivated by her infectious charm... For those that are not, then there is definitely something wrong with them.

I couldn't help but feel the piercing gazes from the classroom, particularly from the boys. If their stares were lasers, I would have been reduced to mere ashes by now. Their jealousy was there for all to see, evident in their envious expressions. I could almost hear their thoughts echoing, 'Why him?' And truth be told, I could empathize with their sentiments.

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