Vol. 1 Chapter 7.3 - Starting Line

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The valley echoed with the anguished cries of the wounded dragon, its massive form bearing nightmarish wounds and life-threatening injuries. Taking a closer examination, it would be revealed that most of these wounds were inflicted by massive claws and teeth. If one were unaware that there were once two of this dragon existing at some point in time, then it might lead to the assumption that these injuries were self-inflicted.

"Fucking shut up, will you!" roared a young man, his fiery magenta hair cascading to shoulder length and stylishly framing his face. His pupils, resembling slits, mirrored the same intense shade of magenta, exuding the wild ferocity of a beast.

His right arm fully covered in thick purple scales started winding up as his claw balled up into a fist. A large amount of soul power started gathering towards it, a sign that he intends to end the fight with this one blow.

The Ground-fire Scarlet Dragon, not one to allow such a thing to happen, motioned to unleash its signature fireball blast towards the young man.

"Ryuuen-san, watch out!"

"Shut up Ishizaki! If you let any of those fucking lizards get away, I'll fucking kill you!"

Ryuuen Kakeru, a student hailing from Class C. He is someone who boldly declared himself as their leader and king, all while mercilessly quashing any opposition that dared to challenge his authority.

...It was shortly after the exam started that he tried to confirm his suspicions about its nature. Dragging along the poor Ishizaki who had become somewhat his prominent supporter, he plowed through the wave of soul beasts and straight into the magma pool where they originated.

Upon their arrival at the pool's fiery surface, Ryuuen wasted no time. He promptly threw the still-confused Ishizaki into the molten fluid and observed the aftermath. Ishizaki's face contorted in sheer terror as he found himself submerged in the burning liquid. He screamed and pleaded for help while frantically flapping around like a baby taking its first swimming lessons. It was only moments later that he realized something was amiss and managed to calm himself down.

"It's not that hot?" He questioned in disbelief. "Ow! Something bit my butt! Help me, Ryuen-san!"

"So that's how it is huh," Ryuuen mused aloud, ignoring Ishizaki's woeful pleas.

This realization completely changed Ryuuen's approach towards the exam. He initially wanted to have the entire class take the dragon head on. The hints that were given prior to the start had led him to believe that killing the dragon is the only way for an entire class to pass. So, even if the majority of them were to be eliminated in the process, it wouldn't have mattered.

This just makes things easier. He thought.

"Let's not waste any time, Hiyori! Call the other fucker here!"

"It's not nice to call them that, Ryuuen-kun. Even if they are only a simulation..."

The silver haired girl named Hiyori released her martial soul, a seemingly old and tattered book that appeared unfit to be called someone's martial soul.

The pages of the book began to flip on their own, as if guided by some unseen hand. Hiyori's eyes then shone a brilliant purple, and she extended her hand towards the book.

"'I will tell you a story of a beginning, in the valley where mountains stood so tall, and where its fate shall befall.' — Second Soul Skill — Omission."

She ripped one of the book's pages and then emerged a radiant beam of light that illuminated the entire valley. But that was not the most striking phenomenon that occurred, the mountain wall, the towering wall that loomed over the valley acting as a cage for them all, vanished.

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