Vol. 2 Chapter 1.1 - The Threads Spread When They Wish to Entangle...

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Friday, it's the last day of July, I hastened my pace as I walked through the long corridors of the First-Grade's academic building. It's currently 7:57 in the morning and for the first time ever since I entered this school, I was on the verge of being marked late.

The reason? I overslept, but it wasn't my fault. There was this new show that Kushida wouldn't stop yapping about and forced me to watch until it was late in the evening. I think it was about some crime series... or was it a documentary? I don't really remember much since I stopped paying attention after a couple minutes in.

As for Kushida? She fell asleep as soon as it started, completely taking over my bed. It's not the first time it happened, but I hope she won't make it a habit from hereon.

I tried turning the TV off, but she immediately woke up as if sensing what I was about to do and eyed me sternly. It happened three more times after that. So, I had no choice but to watch the entire thing while she slept peacefully.

Finally, the corner that directly leads me to my classroom was in sight but as soon as I turned, I instinctively halted.

Something was amiss...

I checked my phone once again, and saw that there is only 2 minutes left until the bell rings and yet...

"Chabashira-sensei is not here..." I muttered under my breath, finally realizing what it was that I found strange.

Is she already inside the classroom? No, I can still hear my classmates making a noise inside, in fact they are even more raucous today than usual.

Moving back to the corner, I hid myself, eyeing the hallway that leads to the room of Class D.

There is only one reason why I did this. This entire time, from the very first day until now, Chabashira-sensei had always entered the classroom at the exact moment as the bell rang. This was obviously an intentional move by her and led me to believe that she had been waiting behind the door to time her entrance with the bell.

I settled on the answer and didn't bother to find out more but... If I were to believe in that theory, then where is she?

There is now less than a minute left, and there is still no sign of her whatsoever. Was I wrong in my assumptions?

20 seconds left...

The hallway is long and it would take at least 30 seconds for her to walk from the stairs to the door even at a fast pace...

10 seconds...

Is she perhaps absent?


"Yo, Ayanokouji! Are you running late as well?"

The sudden voice made me snap behind my back, alarmed. I was so focused on the door that I didn't even notice someone approaching me from behind.



Crap! Sudo's appearance made me take my eyes away from the door. Did Chabashira-sensei really not arrive?

"Alright, everyone settle down. Class is about to start."

I heard my teacher's stern voice echoing inside the classroom, replacing the lively noise of the students.

"Oh, crap, we didn't make it after all. Let's go, Ayanokouji!" Said Sudou as he sprinted towards the classroom door.

However, I couldn't pay him any attention and my feet remained rooted from where I stood.



Inside the classroom, Chabashira-sensei is now giving us a lecture about soul beasts. I didn't pay much attention as my mind is still preoccupied by what had happened earlier.

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