Kushida II - Chiaroscuro

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The big pagoda-like building stood before us like a giant mountain reaching up to the sky. Mom said it was where we needed to go to have my martial soul awakening ceremony. The moment we entered we were immediately greeted by the receptionist.

"Hello, welcome to Tenjou City's Spirit Pagoda," she said.

Spirit Pagoda, I know of it. It is the only place where you can acquire a Spirit Soul - an artificial Soul Beast like Koko-kun. I learned that this was established to combat the dwindling population of Soul Beasts by providing an alternative means for Soul Masters to acquire Soul Rings. Dad had told me that long ago; the soul beasts had roamed everywhere in this world, instilling fear among humans who lived in constant fear of becoming their next prey. However, after time passed, the human population had risen and acquired the means go against them and eventually, dominate as a species.

While I thought of that, Mom had already headed toward the receptionist, leaving Dad and me alone. He took my hand, guiding me deeper inside the building and into the lobby. It was incredibly spacious. I couldn't help but feel amazed by the countless huge doors lined along the wall.

There were some people, but not a lot. It wasn't like the park where everyone was running and laughing. Here, they walked like they had quiet shoes, and their faces looked serious.

While we waited, Dad told me to sit on a chair that looked like a cloud. I liked it; it was squishy. There was a big window too, and I could see the cars and people outside passing by.

Though I had to wonder... why are we here in the Spirit Pagoda on my birthday? Well, I do know that it is to awaken my martial soul, but as far as I am aware of...

"Dad," I called out to him.

"Hm? What is it?"

"Why are we here today? I thought that the Awakening Day was still due to be held in April?"

I knew about it because it was a national holiday. Everyone possesses a martial soul and can awaken it once they turn six. Through the means of an awakening ceremony, we are able to awaken our own martial soul. This was precisely the purpose of the annual Awakening Day.

"Before I answer your question. Tell me, what do you know about the martial soul?" he inquired.

Is this a test now?

Without thinking too much about it, I gave him my answer.

"The martial soul is a part of us, coded in our very being. It could be anything ranging from plants, animals, or even parts of our body. If someone's martial soul is a hoe, then their ability to till the fields would far exceed those of others. If instead they had an animal or soul beast for a martial soul, they might possess some of the abilities of said soul beast. Due to this, the martial soul had long since become the most significant factor in determining someone's life."

"I guess you're not just a mecha nerd, huh," he said, putting his hand over my head.

"H-hey, stop. You're messing my hair!"

"Alright, alright." He lifted his hand, finally letting go.

Trying to fix the mess he made, I turned to him once again. "Now, please answer my question."

"Well, do you know how many children there are that turn six every year?"

Not knowing the actual answer, I simply shook my head. It's probably a lot, right?

"Too many," he said, letting out a weary sigh. "If we were to wait until April, it would mean having to be joined by a massive crowd. It would take too long and too exhausting. Also, your mother hates crowds."
"You see, the Awakening Day is actually established as a service to the public. That's why most people, especially commoners, would look forward to that day to have their children undergo the ceremony."

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