Vol. 1 Chapter 5.3 - The Tormented Listener

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Kushida's eyes widened in surprise when she met mine. "W-what are you doing here... Ayanokouji-kun?" she questioned, her voice quivering.

"It's nice here, isn't it?" I spoke. "It's quiet, and the cold breeze feels comforting."

Moving to her side, I rested my arms on the railings, letting the wind playfully ruffle my hair as I admired the breathtaking view that can only be seen from this height at this time. Despite Kushida's apprehension, I couldn't help but appreciate the serenity of the night and the beauty it offered.

Her brows knitted even further, displaying her wariness and confusion. It was clear that she had a plethora of questions running through her head, but she couldn't seem to figure out where to start.

"How long have you been here," she finally asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

...And yet my gaze remained fixed on the distance.

She started biting her bottom lip, a small nervous gesture that betrayed her unease. This unexpected encounter between us seemed to be something she wanted to avoid at all costs. Now, faced with the reality of the situation, she was forced to confront it.

"Does it bother you," I finally faced her, "That I saw you acting like that."

She didn't give me an answer and simply looked down, her eyes avoiding mine. Sensing her hesitation, I pressed on.

"I don't think there's anything wrong with your behavior just now. We all have those moments, moments when the pressure becomes too much, and we need to release the frustration and anger we keep bottled up inside. It's part of being human."

"How... are you... here?"

Contrary to what I expected, she asked me a strange question. Her gaze, serious, as she stared me straight into the eye.

"I'm afraid I don't understand..."

"How are you here!? How could I not see you!? Why didn't I notice you until now?!"

So, it turns out that she is not bothered with me witnessing her hateful outbursts but rather the fact that she failed to anticipate my presence.

"Is it really that strange? For someone to slip past your eyes."

As soon as those words reached her ears, she seized and hurled me against the wall, as if it were an instinctive reaction. With her forearm pressing firmly against my throat, I found myself pinned, unable to move or speak.

"You... How much do you know!?" she asked, her voice trembling. Her brows furrowed with concern, while her hands clenched into fists as her arm dug deeper into my throat. A mix of emotions painted her face, as she struggled to contain her feelings: worry, anger, and fear, all swirling like a tempest as she looked straight at me with intensity.

"Is this the first time it happened?" I asked instead, my voice hoarse, "to have someone you cannot see, cannot hear, and cannot read?"

"Answer my goddamn question!"

"...Spirit Eyes."

Hearing that, her pupils shook and her hold loosened slightly. Seizing that moment, I grabbed her wrist and turned her around, pinning her to the wall, reversing our positions.


"Your expression tells me I'm right. Twin martial souls, the Spirit Fox and the Spirit Eyes. To think that you would possess it. However, I am still confused...why is it different from what I know?"

The Spirit Eyes is an extremely rare body-type martial soul. The scant information available for it tells of its beauty and power. It was stated that those who possess these eyes are capable of seeing and perceiving everything in the world. Omnividence, so to speak.

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