Kushida III - And So Did They Fall

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Some time had elapsed since Kushida entered the Awakening Chamber. In the lobby, a woman paced restlessly, capturing the attention of onlookers. Her movements, fraught with anxiety, drew curious glances and fueled speculation.

"Nashiko, calm down. You're too nervous," her husband's voice reached out to her.

"How could I calm down? What if something bad happens to Kikyou? I heard that there had been accidents during the Awakening Ceremony, I—"

"I understand your concerns, but going around like that won't be of any help. Look around, you're making the others uneasy," he gently remarked, nodding towards concerned gazes nearby.

Realizing the disturbance she had caused, Nashiko took a deep breath, attempting to compose herself. She sat down beside her husband, hands clasped together.
Still worried, she knew all she could do was wait patiently, trusting that their daughter would emerge unscathed.

Noticing her expression softening, Shinyei softly smiled, placing his hand over hers—a gesture she appreciated. Turning her gaze toward the colossal doors, memories flooded back. She recalled her own Awakening Ceremony, the excitement of anticipating her Martial Soul and the dream of becoming a Soul Master.

Yet, things don't always unfold as expected. The bitterness of that day lingered. The sting of disappointment. The frustration of dreams crumbling.

While part of her dreaded the possibility of her daughter facing a similar fate, all she wanted was to see Kikyou emerge unharmed, regardless of the outcome.

And so she prayed, hoping her daughter would return with the same radiant smile that had always graced her face.


"Miss Kushida?"

A voice called her name, snapping her attention toward the source—the female staff from earlier.

Apprehension colored Nashiko's face as she sensed something amiss. Despite the staff's attempt at professionalism, traces of unease slipped through. She felt a growing sense of dread, each passing second presenting a grimmer and grimmer picture.


The cherry blossoms danced in the air as it welcomed the start of a new school year. Countless students strolled along the sidewalks, alone, in tandem, in different uniforms, with excitement, with unease.
Among them, the young Kushida slowly made her way to the entrance of Tenjou Spirit Academy's primary school.

"Watch out!"

A sudden hand yanked her back while she crossed the street.

"Are you crazy!? You nearly got hit!"

The boy shouted, reprimanding her previous action. The pedestrian lights were still red and the vehicles continued to pass along the busy street. Yet, the girl didn't seem to have noticed.


Her response never came; instead, she continued to stare blankly at his face.

"Uh, hello?" He waved his hand in front of her.

"...Thank you, Hiro-kun. I wasn't paying attention."

The light had finally turned green, and the countless pedestrians who had been waiting resumed their walk. Hiro released his grip on Kushida's arm and she bowed slightly before continuing on her way.

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