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CHAPTER 22Vijay Oberoi

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Vijay Oberoi

Fuck. I did it.

I asked Shanaya to find the alternative account her family uses.

Each company has them, it is used to do illegal stuff, or stuff you don't want traced back to you.

I had made some excuse to Shanaya about how I lost the account number, and how my dad will now think I'm a disappointment.

She believed it right away.

My heart still clenches when I remember how she had no fucking doubt in her eyes.

She trusts me completely.

And me?

Fuck this.

The gates to the Oberoi estate open as soon as they spot my car.

We just got our break from college.

I have dropped Avni and Shravan at their home, and now I'm at mine.

Shanaya will also try to find the account number today, because she too is at home.

"Vijay!" Mom shouts as soon as she spots me.

I smile as she jumps to hug me. She's shorter than both me and dad.

"Hey mum. How are you?"

"Fine. You tell me how you are. You're not overworking or overstudying are you?"

"No mum. Let me come in, then I'll answer all your questions. Okay?"

"Yeah! It's just I rarely get to see you."

We walk into the house, and dad is seated on the sofa. He looks at me, and keeps the phone he was looking at down.

"Vijay." He acknowledges.

"Dad." I murmur.

He doesn't bother to shake my hand or something.

"I'll get you snacks, you freshen up. The servants will carry your stuff to your room." Mom says, and disappears into the kitchen.

"Vijay meet me in my office room." Dad says after mom leaves.

I sigh, I don't think I like how this break has started.


"You said you'd do something about the Sehgals."

"I am doing it, I think I can get proof that they are-"

"What do you mean you think, Vijay? I'm tired of those fuckers thwarting us every single time. Why are we lagging behind?"

I inhale, trying to regain my composure.

"You'll see the results by this week."

"I better see them."

I stare at him, waiting for him to even just mention the number of deals I brought to him this month, and how I doubled our profit while managing university side by side.

"What are you waiting for? Go downstairs."

I think that' where my patience snapped. I had done so much, and he could only see the one thing which is going wrong?

"Dad.. you know what?"


"I think you're the most selfish guy I've seen."

He furrows his eyebrows.

"You don't get that you're punishing me for something you did? You ruined your relation with the Sehgals, you got an innocent woman killed, you did that. Then why am I feeling the repercussions?"

"What is the about Vijay? Do you want something?"

I laugh, the sound humourless.

"You don't get it. Have you ever loved me? Have you ever seen me as more than a tool to grow your business? Would you even cared if I died as long as the company was flourishing? "

He doesn't answer.

And I get my answer from the silence. It' a no.

"Fuck, I can't do this anymore dad."

I leave his office room, and close the door with a slam, and at that second I get a message from Shanaya.

Dove: Here's the account number : XXXXXXXXXX.

And then I break.

I'm using a girl who I think I love for a dad who wouldn't care if I died.

I've fucked up. I shouldn't have dragged Shanaya into this.

I don't know when a tear falls down my cheek.

The last time I cried was when I was 3.


"Vijay?" I tense as mom approaches me.

I hastily wipe the tear.

"Are you okay?"

The word 'yes' is on the tip of my tongue, but I can't do it anymore. All this pretending amd faking.

I hug mom, and cry on her shoulder.

I might have lost my dad, but my mom is still here.

"Is it work load? Or is it some girl who broke your heart or some boy?"

"Nothing mom, just stay here."

"I know things might seem burdening, and it might become a mess, but you'll always find a way out. That's life."

"I love you mom."

"I love you too."


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