Author's Note.

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And that was the end of Starfall.

This book holds a special part of my heart. I had a hard time with my job and my whole existence at the time I started working on it. My thoughts were very loud for my own good, until one night I came across 'Starfall' by Marc Hanania. I heard it when I was passing by someone who was watching a reel with 'Starfall' being the background music of it. It caught my heart on the spot and I started looking for it nonstop until I found it. Once I listened to the full version, I found my previously tangled brain ignoring all of the mess happening inside, and imagining Royal Ball, Prince, Princess, Star-Shaped Tiara, and Blue. 

And that's how I started working on that fanfiction and that's how it worked as an escapism for me from all the overwhelming reality I was dealing with at that time. 

So, I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing.

I now have about fifteen completed fanfictions written and saved in my drafts, ready to be published. They vary from the short light ones, the fantasy, the longer yet still light ones, and to the hell loooong heavy mind-blowing life-sucking brain-twisting ones that actually consumed my last two brain cells while writing them and now I'm a brainless little piece of smashed unseasoned potato.

I asked you this question before publishing 'Starfall' and I'm going to ask again, what do you prefer for the next published story?

1. Light short story about normal people who work, eat, and go to sleep without trying to save the world.

2. Light short yet fantasy story about people who might save the world if the story had a longer version.

3. Light long story about normal people who want nothing but to live a happy quiet life.

4. A hell of eighty-something chapters of fantasy life-draining story about stupid little people who think they are in some video game that will end by beating the villain/ the monster.

5- A hell of sixty-something chapters of a life-draining revenge plot where you'll want to strangle me because the villain is villaining. 

Tell me which genre you are willing to read next and believe me, I'll end up publishing something very random at the end.

But here I promise that I'll try not to take long till I come back with another story and other characters.

Lastly, I had an image for Dabin but I didn't want to force it on you as you read this book, but usually, I create my characters' images before I start working on the story to keep as my reference for their visuals and character. So, here's our Seo's third princess and the sixth in the royal line, Princess Seo Dabin:

 So, here's our Seo's third princess and the sixth in the royal line, Princess Seo Dabin:

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Tell me if she's anything like you imagined. If not, tell me how you imagined her.

Till we meet again,


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