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"Your Highness!" Felix bowed formally ahead of Dabin who just landed on the Lee Kingdom's lands. "It's an honor to have you here with us. Thank you for accepting the invitation."

"It's my pleasure to be here." She smiled politely at him. "And you are making me nervous with all that formality." She said in a lower voice.

"Then," He pulled a bar of coffee-flavored chocolate out of his suit pocket to hand her. "How about this? Changbin told me it's your number one choice when you are nervous." He whispered.

Dabin chuckled and received the chocolate. "That's so sweet. I mean the chocolate." She smirked at him.

"Changbin raised you well." Felix shook his head playfully. "Shall we?" He ushered her towards the car waiting for them.

With a nod, they both walked towards the car. Felix opened the backdoor for her, allowed her in, and then rounded the car to get in next to her from the other side. Once he was in, a bodyguard hopped in the passenger seat and the car started moving, followed by two other packed cars with the security team. Dabin scoffed at the treatment she was receiving in the Lee Kingdom when her family didn't even care to send a bodyguard or a personal assistant with her. At last, she was nobody.

"This event is going to be fun." Felix started the conversation. "We received much help from your kingdom and the other two to open this center."

"Why didn't you have a culture center till now?" Dabin asked.

"We have. But this one is going to be open to the public with no fees for admission. It will be as a foster for kids with different talents till we can allocate them to where they belong to be later on." Felix explained. "That's why we received donations and investments and allowed other kingdoms to participate."

"That's great. It will be very helpful for limited-income families! It's a lovely idea." She smiled, totally loving the idea of having a place completely fee-free to invest in the young lives of the Lee Kingdom.

"It's Minho's idea. I mean, our Prince Lee Minho." Felix leaned closer to whisper. "It was something he suggested a few years ago but the idea was dismissed. Actually," Felix looked at the driver and guard and then back at Dabin. "He received no help from our kingdom, all the help came from the other three, thanks to our friends and connections."

"And why is that? Why didn't your kingdom support it?" Dabin whispered back.

"The advisors, the council, and the King himself don't believe in him." Felix sighed in defeat and rested back. "That's why we needed you and representatives from other kingdoms to show support." He shrugged.

Dabin felt a new weight drop on her shoulders. She wasn't there to just represent her kingdom. She had to support that mysterious prince who was being fought by his own people instead of being supported when he was doing something good for the kingdom.

And she felt really overwhelmed and nervous. That chocolate bar would do nothing now.

Reaching the new building that would be open to the public in a few hours, Dabin and Felix exited the car and started making their way on the red carpet that was laid down for the guests. Once she was on her feet, cameras started to chatter, taking photos of the guest who arrived with Sir Felix. She scoffed internally, doubting if they knew who she was.

Marching forward, Dabin and Felix entered the building that had its employees running up and down the corridors, doing the final touches before the grand opening of the center. As they were heading to the stairs, a worker came bowing at Felix before inching closer to him to whisper something. Immediately, Felix's face darkened and he sighed heavily.

Felix turned to Dabin who was waiting for him. "There's a problem with the press conference preparations that I have to check. Something happened with the assigned hall and we need to move to another." Felix talked. "I'm so sorry but could you wait for me in the waiting area upstairs? You will find it if you take the right corridor and walk straight to the end of it."

"I-Uh.. Umm. Okay, no problem." Dabin stuttered. "Will you be back before the start of the main event?"

"Of course." He clapped. "If you go there, you will find Prince Hwang, Prince Minho, and probably King Christopher in the waiting room. I'll call the security right now to open the way for you. Wait with the boys and I'll be back to fetch all of you for the photo time and the event."

Dabin nodded at him and immediately, he disappeared. Hesitant and confused for a little, she looked around her. She then breathed in and started taking the stairs up. Reaching the upper floor, she took the right corridor that was filled with security guards here and there, all nodding at her, and bowing down as her heels clacked on the marble floors.

Dabin was walking toward the end of the corridor when she heard music playing. It was a piano. And it was a melody that she knew all too well. It was one she played many times while learning how to play piano as she was growing. Her steps halted and she looked to her left where a double-door room existed. Curiously, she stepped closer to that room. Once she did, the guard next to it bowed down and opened the door for her, allowing the music to echo louder in the hallway.

Dabin slipped into the room and heard the door click softly behind her. Standing by the door, she found herself on top of a stage with seats lined down it. In the center of the stage, there was a grand white piano with a single spotlight directed to it while the rest of the hall was dark. Behind that piano, sat someone who was totally immersed in the piece he was playing.

A second look and she could recognize the person behind the piano.

How could she miss that mythological creature? The last and only time she saw him was still lingering in her memories even though it was more than two months before.

As if the white color was made for him, he was dressed in a bright white suit. A white button-up, a white waistcoat, and a white suit jacket over it. She saw a chain sparkling from his inner pocket to the waistcoat button. His lapels had silver lines and his collar had a bow decorating it. Unlike the last time she saw him, his hair was slicked backward, exposing his forehead, and his tiara decorated that black slightly long hair.

Just as she was watching him dreamingly, the music stopped, dragging her attention from ogling over him to looking at him. His confused curious eyes met hers and she flinched and let out a sharp breath. She didn't notice he stopped playing and looked at her.

In a second, Dabin was snatching the door open and running out of the room, not knowing why she was running and why she felt her cheeks burning that much.

All she knew was that she wanted to be in the light and away from that mysterious breathtaking prince. 

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