Twenty- One.

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Standing in the middle of the dance floor, Dabin faced Minho, both of them smiling sweetly at each other. Ever so delicately, Minho pulled her closer to his body. One hand held hers while the other rested featherly on her waist. Dabin's hand was on his shoulder while the other was held safely in his. The lights dimmed just a little as a song started to play.

A song, not some music. A song named 'Perfect'.

Taking one step, the Royal Couple started to dance.

"May I ask what exactly is happening?" Dabin asked as she looked up at Minho. Her voice was shaking from the excitement and anticipation.

The look in Minho's eyes was priceless. Dabin could swear they were sparkling more than the stars. His smile widened as they both swayed with the song playing in the background. "What is happening? We are dancing!" He teased.

"I know that part." She chuckled nervously. "I mean, what is with the blue dress? Why everyone else is dressed in white?"

"Hmm," Minho pretended to be thinking. "Am I not allowed to set the dress code for my own ball?" He tilted his head playfully.

"You are not going to give me an answer, are you?" She narrowed her eyes at him.

Minho chuckled and looked at her straight in the eyes. "I just... You look breathtaking in blue." He said in a low honey-coated voice. "It's like this color was made for you and no one else should be allowed to wear it." He pulled her slightly closer. "And that's what I did. I didn't allow them to wear your color. And if I ever made it to be the King of this land, my first rule would be prohibiting everyone from wearing blue, saving it only for you, the sky, and the sea."

Dabin's breath hitched. That was way more than just being courteous or nice to his friend's younger sister. She tried to get a grip on herself and suppress her butterflies. "B-But.. people are looking at me weirdly again." She glanced up at where her mother was seated with the rest of the royals and the elders. "And Mother wouldn't be happy with me."

"They are looking at you cause you look the most beautiful. Effortlessly beautiful." He complimented.

"I did make an effort in my makeup and hair." She let out a breathy nervous chuckle.

"You would've looked breathtaking even without them." He assured her and then tilted his head to look at her hair. "Doesn't it feel uncomfy?" He asked, referring to the large singular hairpin that lifted her hair up.

"It's so pricky and suffocating." She sighed.

"Why are you putting it on then?" He questioned. "You look pretty with your hair falling down."

Dabin tried to focus on his question and not the flirting so she could finish up this dance without turning into jelly. "It's the stylist's job to style my hair. And If don't let her do her job well, she would be scolded because of me." Dabin shrugged.

"She did a good job," Minho smirked. "But I wonder if she would be scolded if I was the one to ruin her work." He uttered and so swiftly, almost in a second, his hand reached behind Dabin's head, pulling the hairpin out, letting her long wavy hair fall down to her lower back.

Dabin gasped and almost tripped, taken aback by his bold action, but Minho was quick to catch her and pulled her flush to his body. "I'm keeping this," Minho said and pushed the pin down his suit's jacket inner pocket. He steadied the girl again, placed her hand in his and the other on her waist, and resumed dancing like nothing happened. "Much better." He uttered with a smile.

Dabin was bright red by then. She was sure her heartbeats were louder than the song that refused to end. How could a song be that sweet? And long?

"You look perfect, Princess," Minho whispered. "You've always been. From the moment my eyes fell on you, I knew I found the one."

Dabin's steps halted and her blood froze. She looked at him with wide eyes and a hanging jaw, not knowing if she had to reply or not. She doubted she would find any voice in her throat.

Minho's face looked extremely nervous. He was trying to smile but his nerves didn't help. Suddenly, he became so self-conscious. He was hosting a ball. He was dancing right in front of all of those eyes that used to judge him. He was not caring about them or their opinions. All he cared about was the girl in his arms right then.

Minho breathed in, determined to end what he started. "That night at Chris's Royal Ball, I couldn't take my eyes off you. You took my breath away that I wished I could've been able to get down there and talk to you like the rest of the boys, but I couldn't. It was a first for me to ever want to be in the crowds, however, I was so afraid to come and talk to you. I was still a coward. But then two months later, you came to my event instead of Changbin. That's when I thought it was my chance to get to know you better. And the more I did, the more I felt attracted to you. And that attraction made me want to break the shell around myself and get into the light. I've always hated spotlights but now I'm enjoying them, as long as I'm sharing them with you. For the first time, I stopped being submissive and started to think of a future that I've never thought I might have, just because I knew it was the only way to you."

Dabin was a few seconds from bursting out. She was sure she would explode, freeing her butterflies and fireworks at some point if he didn't shut up.

"I know I'm lacking. I know I still have a long way ahead of me to deserve someone like you, Dabin." He resumed. His hands that were holding her were shaking. His whole body was shaking. "But I'll be bold for once and try to get what I want since I finally know what I want in this life. I want you." He whispered, earning another gasp from Dabin. "I want you by my side for the rest of my life. So, may I have you?" He dropped his two hands to hers, holding them gently and pulling them up to his face.

By then, the song was ending and the lights were brightening again. Minho kissed the knuckles of her two hands softly and then held those hands close to his chest.

Smiling at her sweetly, he pulled her closer to him. "Am I allowed to love you?"

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