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The two kingdoms were going nuts from the news of the engagement of Prince Minho and Princess Dabin. True to Minho's word, his kingdom sent an official proposal letter. Following that, the two Royal Families met officially, asking for the Princess's hand and King Hyunbin gave Minho what he asked for and what he wished to have. And just like that, the two royals were officially a fiance and a fiancee.

Dabin was on cloud nine. It all went so fast and felt unreal. Minho had to assure her every now and then that it was real and it was happening, although he himself didn't believe she was going to be his forever in a few months. Out of his friends, Changbin was the happiest but he was trying to contain it. Of course, he would. He had always dreamed of the day his little Dabin would find her prince charming, and Minho was really charming. Changbin wanted someone who would give Dabin all the love and care she deserved but never received from her family. Someone who would protect her and be on her side no matter what. And Minho seemed to be matching Changbin's criteria.

He loved Dabin. He cared for her. He stood up for her. He was a good man. A kind and supportive one. Changbin knew all of that, Minho was his friend after all, and he watched how he was changing lately. He was blooming. He was gaining recognition and power. He was more involved in his kingdom's matters and even started attending official meetings with his father, King Lee.

Changbin knew that all those changes came from his love and care for Dabin, and how Minho wanted to be a respectful, proper man for her. So, in conclusion, Changbin wanted nothing except for those two to live a happy life ever after and get the happy ending they both really deserved.

The public of the two kingdoms' reactions were mostly good. Most of them supported that marriage and union. The comments on the news never died although it was weeks before. They were following the new couple as if they were following celebrities. Maybe because they both felt more approachable and closer to the public than most of Royal Families.

Some of the comments shipped them, saying it was obvious from the press conference day when Prince Lee stood for her and then they both sat side by side, playing the piano. Some questioned if all their public work together in the center and the library was a cover for them to keep meeting under the public eye without being caught. A few were questioning what type of creatures they would have as their kids when they get married since both had visuals out of this galaxy. And surely, there were those who threw hurtful comments and opposed that marriage, saying that their kingdoms didn't need the union of two losers.

But they didn't care. Minho and Dabin were too busy in their own world to care about the comments whether they were good or bad. They weren't just busy with their engagement and marriage preparations, they still had their project that didn't stop with the culture center and the library. Now Dabin was supporting in the development of the whole educational system of the Lee Kingdom.

While being busy with all the projects and whatsoever, Minho's private palace was being remodeled and renewed for the soon-to-be wedded couple. The marriage date wasn't set yet, but being extremely excited, Minho jumped to the renovation of his house to his fiancee's liking. But people were eagerly waiting for the wedding announcement since there was no engagement event and the couple went with a simple official announcement and that's it.

Although they both wanted a simple wedding, they knew it was almost impossible. Dabin's mother wanted the maximum benefit from that marriage, so a lavish wedding with all the Royals and Nobles from the four allied kingdoms and other faraway kingdoms was a must.

For Minho's side, King Lee wanted to show off his son who was finally having a proper life, plus, the King was planning to announce his son as his successor and the next king to be. So, having a big wedding was inevitable.

Since Dabin and Minho were officially engaged, it was very common to see them hanging out together in either of the two kingdoms. Minho would come to see Dabin and spend time with her and sometimes, he would spend the night in the Seo Palace. Dabin would go to see Minho and spend her whole day with him in his private palace before she came back to her home at night. Their private jets haven't stopped flying in the sky a day after another since the announcement.

Just like how the plane was being prepared right now to take Dabin to the Lee Kingdom. Minho called her early in the morning, saying he prepared something for her and she had to come over. Not wasting any time, Dabin informed the royal butler to prepare her flight and she went on getting ready.

It wasn't anything official and probably she wouldn't be spotted outside the safety of his palace, so she decided to keep it simple and a little casual. She put on one of her summer dresses. With thin straps and a sweetheart cut, it fell to her ankles, hugging her body perfectly. Its vibrant green color was very eye-catching. Her hair was tied in a high ponytail with no tiara, accessories, or jewelry. Just her favorite star earring.

Dabin looked at her reflection one more time in her walk-in closet mirror. She was satisfied with how she looked. She heard a knock on her room's door. Obviously, Changbin.

"Come in!" Dabin sang as she leaned closer to the mirror, checking her peachy lipstick for the last time, making sure it wasn't smudged. She grabbed her purse and skidded happily outside the closet. "I'm leaving, what did-" She stopped mid-sentence.

The one ahead of her wasn't her brother. Not any of her siblings or even her mother. Not any servant or maid and not even her fiance. It was someone she had totally forgotten about their existence.

Just then, Dabin remembered. She wasn't the only forgotten soul in this palace. There was someone else who was as a ghost as Dabin used to be before she met Minho.

There was another ugly duckling in that kingdom.

Okay, who do you think the other ugly duckling is?

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