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"..Thank you." Dabin said with a wide smile and bowed down for the attendees and the reporters ahead of them. She breathed in deeply as she stepped away from the podium and headed back to her seat by the rest of the princes and King Christopher, who were secretly giving her thumbs up.

She did great with her speech. She stood there all confidently, delivered it clearly, and answered the questions she received politely.

Her heels clacked on the floor until she reached her seat between Christopher and Minho. She sat down and looked at her left at Minho who was still pale. He was shaking his legs vigorously underneath the table. The scowl was all over his face again. He wasn't comfortable and Dabin was thinking of nothing but how to get him down the stage.

Ironically, it was the same Piano Hall. They were on the stage with the white piano behind them. Down the stage, the reporters lined in seats asking them. That was the last stop of the day before they would open the doors to the public.

Before they made it to that hall, they took hundreds of photos for the reporters at the photo booth and then, they started the tour around the whole center. Dabin liked the place so much. She could see the hearts that were poured into that place to bring it to where it was now.

When the tour ended and they all headed to the Piano Hall, which turned out to be gifted by the Hwang Kingdom, they sat down in their assigned seats and started the conference.

Minho was the first to stand behind the podium. And they all could see how uneasy he looked. His voice was stiff and low. His face was stoic. He slipped a couple of times and sighed obviously. He was nervous and not comfortable at all. Dabin gritted her teeth when she spotted a couple of people snickering at his slips.

Shortly after, King Christopher made his speech, followed by Prince Hwang and then Dabin was the last in line before they all sat again and started receiving the group questions.

A reporter raised his hand and the facilitator allowed him to ask his question. The male reporter stood up. "My question here is for Princess Dabin," He started and Dabin braced herself. "Last time, you were spotted in His Royal Majesty, King Christopher's Royal Ball in a blue dress instead of white as the dress code is supposed to be for such an event. We would like to hear from you what does that mean?"

That question wasn't related to the event they were there for. That reporter was there for gossip and not some real work. However, Dabin had to reply. She breathed in and inched closer to the mic mounted on top of the table.

"Yes, I did something flashy, didn't I?" She chuckled nervously. "It has no meaning behind it. You can call it a wardrobe malfunction accident. Nothing more." She smiled nervously.

Another reporter raised his hand and stood up. "But it's known that dressing in something other than the official dress code means nothing except repelling." He said in a little fierce tone.

"If it was for repelling or any sort of hideous actions, would I be here today for an event like this? With King Christopher right by my side? Would it be that quiet for two months?" Dabin questioned-answered.

A female reporter stood up. "Then what's the meaning of the dance you two shared that night?"

"It was just a friendly dance." Dabin answered.

"But a dance with a single king at an event like that has too many meanings." The reporters pressed a little bit harshly.

"Am I being accused of something?" Dabin chuckled nervously. She was starting to get shaken by the questions. "All I did i-"

"So," Minho cut the heated conversation. He looked at the female reporter with his scowl. "What is it to you if a single man and woman had a dance? What are you trying to fish out of it?" He asked and Dabin's eyes widened.

He wasn't making it better.

Christopher sighed before pulling his mic to try and save the situation. "I don't know why we are being asked about an event that happened two months ago, and a private one at that, when we are holding a conference for another event." He breathed in. It was obvious he was angry but trying to keep collected. "However, I will answer your irrelevant questions." He looked at Dabin with an assuring smile and then back ahead. "Princess Dabin is someone who is very close to me as a younger sister. Someone that I had adored for very long. So, in that kind of familiar and close relationship we have, she's allowed to dress whatever she wants to my events. And I'm allowed to ask her for a dance without any meaning 'cause dancing with my friend doesn't have to have a meaning." He stated calmly and all organized. "If that answers your questions, kindly let's move on from the trivial subject."

And that was how no other reporter dared to ask anything about that Royal Ball ever again.

Moving on, random questions were asked about the venue, the preparations for that center, the help Minho received from other kingdoms, and so on. Minho mostly made it through all the questions ever so lightly and shortly. The facilitator announced that it was time for a final question before they wrapped up the event.

A reporter stood up with a smirk. "Prince Minho," The reporter addressed as if he was calling a friend without honorifics. "What is the reason behind this Culture Center being fee-free? Is that your plan to make the public side with you so you can use them as your card for the announcement of the King's successor?"

Dabin heard how Minho's breath quickened. That was what they expected. That reporter was there to humiliate Minho.

"The reason is exactly what I mentioned earlier. I wanted a place to foster the hidden talents we have here, to pave their ways and futures." Minho replied robotically. It was something he mentioned in his speech already.

The reporter scoffed. "Excuse my rudeness, Your Highness, but the people of this kingdom hadn't ever seen any of your talents. How could they trust you to foster their children's talents when you, Your Highness, have none?"

Dabin felt something tick in her head. He was publicly mocking and humiliating Minho who was right now hyperventilating by her side. On the other side, Christopher was gritting his teeth and Hyunjin was clenching his fists.

Dabin looked back at Minho, waiting for him to reply. She would even support him if he snapped out right now and cursed the reporter. How was he allowed to ask something like that? Who was supporting him to be that fearless? Why the hell none of the guards had picked him up like the useless insect he is and threw him outside?

As Minho stayed silent, the reporters started mumbling ahead of them and Dabin's blood boiled. She was still looking at Minho, urging him to say something with her eyes.

Dabin was done waiting, when she pulled the mic, put on a fake smile, and talked. "That's why he prepared a special performance for today." She looked at Minho who flinched and looked at her oddly. "He will play something exclusive for you all. Help me welcome His Highness, Prince Lee, at the piano." She smiled and started clapping while standing up.

They will shut up after they see him playing the piano, she thought.

They will fall under his spell just like she did.

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