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"Screw you, Changbin!" Dabin cursed under her breath, while the male linking arms with her was dying to let out his echoing laugh at her reaction.

Dabin was never the girl to curse or let profanities fall off her tongue, but right now, she had every right to do so. Even if she murdered her own brother, no one would blame her. Standing at the entrance of the Royal Ballroom, Dabin was faced by white and only white. All males, females, decorations, and even the covers of the side tables were white! All dressed in white with no freaking single hint of blue.

How could she believe her brother who had always been nothing but a prankster? How didn't she notice he was pranking her when he and Seungmin were dressed in all white? How did she miss that? Now it makes sense why Seungmin was giving her those looks all the way to the Bang Royal Palace. He knew her brother was up to no good.

At that moment, Dabin wanted the ground to swallow her whole from all the looks she was receiving. It wasn't only because she looked out of place, it was also for the meaning behind it. It was an act of repel! For someone not to follow the obligatory dress code by another kingdom when attending its event, meant that someone was repelling or going against it, neglecting its rules and looking down on it.

It was a situation that she didn't need and of course, her kingdom wouldn't be happy with it.

As they marched into the hall, more eyes were trailing them, and Dabin's confidence was shoved out of the window. She felt like she was naked. She wasn't! In all honesty, she looked very gorgeous, and surely some of the eyes looking at her were admiring her beauty.

Dabin wore a long light blue gown that was flimsy and thin. Its upper part hugged her torso perfectly while the skirt of it was flowy, with a slit on the side extending from her right ankle to centimeters below her knees, showing her black lacy heels. It was an off-shoulder sleeveless dress. Instead of the sleeves, there was a pair of long thin silky gloves covering her arms up to her upper arms. Dabin's wavy thick black hair fell to her lower back. It was swiped backward and behind her ears to show the star-shaped diamond earrings, that matched her star-shaped simple tiara.

"How high are those heels?" Changbin questioned.

"They are five-something." Dabin said through gritted teeth.

"They make you look ten-something centimeters taller than me. I don't like them." He whined.

"Not my freaking problem that you didn't drink enough milk when you were a child." Dabin backfired while still walking deeper into the hall with her brother, arms linked and faces strained with fake smiles.

"Oh, my bad! I was busy caring for my five years younger baby sister to drink any milk!" He snapped.

"Just shut up! We'll have to deal with this situation later with our Queen!" Dabin shivered at what her mother might say.

Changbin stopped right beside a far side table that he led Dabin to. He turned to face her while placing a hand on hers that was linked to his arm. Giving her an assuring smile, he talked. "Leave it for me. Just have fun, mingle, and forget all about our family tonight. Okay?"

"I can guarantee that." A silky voice echoed from behind them. "I can make her forget even her name."

Dabin turned around to see the source of the sound. Ahead of her, stood a prince in all white. It's not the crown on his head that made Dabin recognize him as a prince. It was him. If he's not a prince, then, who might be?

A scoff echoed from the other side. "If she has good eyes, she will know who's the best fit." The other voice owner stepped closer. A cocky smirk decorated his puffy-cheeked face. Without asking for permission, he grabbed Dabin's hand all softly and lowered himself as he lifted that hand up, meeting it midway to plant a kind kiss on the back of it. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Your Royal Highness." He flashed her a smile. "This is Han Jisung, the right-hand man of King Christopher."

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