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Dabin looked down at her feet, waiting for whatever kind of insults were going to be thrown her way by her mother, two eldest brothers, and sister. She stood facing them in the meeting room that she was just called to whenever she was going to be scolded for something she didn't do. But this time, she did something.

It was past three in the morning when she arrived at the palace. She spent the whole night at the private palace of a single prince of another kingdom, and she came home that late. She did something and she was waiting for her share of punishment.

"Where have you been till this hour?" King Hyunbin asked with his stoic face. That man of twenty years older than her was nothing like a brother should be.

"I-" Dabin started.

"MOTHER." Changbin's siren-like voice echoed, startling all of them as he ran inside the room, stopping just by Dabin's side. "She was at a dinner." He panted. "Yes, Minho prepared a dinner for the royals who participated in the event to thank them for their support. I just forgot to inform you when Felix sent me the schedule of the day." He lied. Changbin leaned towards Dabin. "Where the hell were you?" He whispered.

"Later." She nudged him.

Changbin looked at her hair and then picked something from it to stuff it in his pocket. "Why the hell do you have grass in your hair?" He yelled-whispered.

"Shit!" She gasped and threw her family a look. They were busy with something in the tablets they were holding. "Do I have anything else on my clothes?" She asked quietly.

Changbin inched closer and sniffed her as he spotted a very tiny red spot on the collar of her dress. "Is that wine for God's sake?" He looked at her with piercing eyes. "What on Earth did you do there?"

"So," The Former Queen talked. "Explain to us what happened today."

"Nothing out of schedule, Your Majesty." Dabin lied. "We did the opening ceremony, took photos, and held the conference."

"What happened at the conference?" Prince Woobin questioned.

That sounded more like an interrogation.

Dabin gathered the pieces. There must be news and articles from the conference out already. They must've been reading them just now. They know what happened there.

Dabin paled and gulped. "Some reporters asked about the Royal Ball incident but King Christopher handled it well. I guarantee there will be no more controversy about this topic anymo-"

The Former Queen sighed in annoyance. "Not that! What was it with playing the piano along with Prince Lee?"

"What?" Changbin gasped. "Minho played piano in the event?" He looked at his sister. "With you? What exactly did you do there?"

Dabin nudged him again before looking at her mother. "It was a performance that Prince Lee prepared for the opening ceremony and it just happened to be a piece that I enjoyed playing myself back in my teen years. So, I joined him." She bowed down. "I apologize if I went out of the line again."

"Apologize?" Rubin scoffed. Dabin looked at her, just noticing her purple hair and her almost nonexistent clothes. A new tattoo was poking out from her top, taking her left breast. How the hell does she manage to do that? How is she allowed to do that? "You yet seduced another? What the hell do they see in you?"

"Rubin!" Her mother glared.

"What, Mother? Look at her and what she's been doing! She went to two events in all her life and managed to snatch a king and a prince. And here we think she's an innocent isolated kid when she's nothing but a sly fox."

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