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Life has never been the same since then for Minho and Dabin. That event made people see them in a different light, or see them at all. People started talking about the forgotten princess, the youngest in the Seo Royal Family and the sixth in line. They started commenting on her beauty, sense of fashion, and intellect in answering questions. She was also praised for her piano skills. It was odd how she just started to get some attention, and because of that, her mother allowed her to public events for more. At last, the ugly duckling seemed to be useful and granted herself a role in the Former Queen's plans.

On the other side, there was Minho who had his share of attention. People were struck by how he played the piano gracefully. How he let out a little smile after the performance. How good he looked. They just realized how handsome he is without his scowl. The one who was labeled as cursed, started to have girls idolize him and fan over him. And just like Dabin, he was involved in more events.

Although Minho became busy out of the blue, he didn't neglect his precious center and visited it when he could to monitor the progress by himself and mingle with people for a little since this place was made for them. And to his luck, those people started to feel that their prince was approachable.

Before he could even realize it, Minho found himself in the middle of expanding the project with a public library just as Dabin recommended. And true to her words, he was receiving support from his own people this time after the huge success of the culture center.

And while Minho was in never-ending meetings for the library, Dabin was stuck between a bunch of noble ladies, sipping tea, talking about art, men, food, men, men, men, and men. That was how her mother decided to use her. The good side of being part of the Former Queen's plans, is that Dabin was allowed to attend events at the other kingdoms instead of any busy royal member.

So, she had been to the Hwang Kingdom a couple of times, and she was fascinated by the scenery of the ocean there. She became more familiar with the Bang Palace and its Royal Family. And she was now known by the public of the Lee Kingdom, and we may say, she was loved by them.

Visiting those kingdoms wasn't the best part. Meeting the royals of those kingdoms was. Especially, one specific Royal Prince, who became so close to her and yet, felt unreal.

It was undeniable how those two became comfortable around each other in a way Minho would only be with his close group of friends. It wasn't unnoticed how playful, yet shy, they acted around each other. It was really obvious how Minho smiled at her when he wasn't that smiley person.

Christopher had to hold Changbin back many times from cornering Minho and giving him a piece of his mind. Christopher was afraid that their friend might shut his doors again and cower back if he sensed any unacceptance from Changbin. He didn't want to see that. He was finally getting a new side of his friend. A happier lighter side. Seungmin too had to put some sanity in Changbin's head, reminding him of how Dabin was just as beautiful as a withering flower, but now she looked like she was being cared for, watered, and nourished with the sun.

Changbin saw those positive changes too. He wasn't blind. He could sense the sweet tension between those two and how they were both blooming. He loved that, to be honest. He loved how his sister smiled and was eager to get involved in almost everything. He loved how Minho was finally receiving the recognition he deserved, and the support of his father and their council, that it was just a few steps from him being announced as the rightful successor. Changbin didn't want to get in their way, but he was just a brother who cared for his little girl that he raised up himself. He felt like he would have to let his angel go soon, and that made him sulky and pouty all the time.

It was just the feeling of a parent who didn't want his kid to grow up and spread their wings to leave for a new nest.

As months were rolling and seasons were changing, Dabin felt the blossoming feeling in her chest. Her butterflies never failed to do flips whenever she was close to Minho. But Dabin didn't know that Minho too had very wild butterflies that flapped their wings vigorously whenever Dabin looked his way.

Among those months of them meeting only officially for work, there was one single event that wasn't a formal meeting they met in. That event was King Christopher's Engagement Royal Ball to Lady Annis, the girl he had eyes for. That time, Dabin followed the dress code and dressed in a proper light yellow dress as they proposed. Although the event was lovely, she was pouting all night because Minho wasn't there. He was, but he attended the event from the second floor as he always did to avoid people. He was doing much better with being less scowly lately, but still, he felt overwhelmed being with unfamiliar people. During the event, they caught each other's eyes. He smiled at her and she waved at him but that was not enough for her butterflies that were longing for him.

But her butterflies were satisfied soon when she found herself being invited and involved in the process of the new library at the Lee Kingdom since it was her suggestion, and because Minho claimed he needed her brilliant ideas in this project.

Although that was a lot of work for the princess, she was on cloud nine. What else would she want other than working on a project that served people, with Minho?

She gave all of her in that project, wanting nothing but to see it as successful as they dreamed, so it would help Minho boost his powers and recognition for more. But Dabin didn't know that there was something being prepared for her.

Little did she know, she would be receiving another invitation to a Royal Ball so soon.


Hello there 🙋🏻‍♀️

I know I'm taking long with the updates of this story but this Author is currently working on looong revenge story with about 60 chapters, taking place in a timeline of more than twenty years, with a twitsed plot and a villain that makes me curse a lot as I write his scenes although I'm the one who created his character 🤷🏻‍♀️

So, I'll try to update more frequently and not let the other story drain me.

Your favorite Nefelibata ☁️.

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