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More than twenty-two years before, when Dabin was still merely two years old, she met the current Queen for the first time. A young noble lady who was a few months past her twenty. She was so young, innocent, and beautiful. She had ginger hair, pale skin, and freckled cheeks. She was a beauty with a kind soul and enormous heart. She was such a kind lady that she ignored the bad treatment she was getting from the former Queen who acted like she was still in her position. No, she acted like she was the King!

Queen Brittany, the current Queen and the wife of King Hyunbin for more than twenty years, was powerless when she was informed she would be married off to the King. She had no say in that and she didn't object. She knew it wasn't her place. But she hoped he would be a good husband to her. And he was. Hyunbin himself wasn't the problem, his mother was.

The former Queen was using everyone for her own benefit. She chose a young obedient lady for her obedient son to marry, so they both stay under control. She was happy with her choice of the girl until two years after the marriage, when they found out that Queen Brittany couldn't conceive a child. And that was when Brittany's hell started.

She was ghosted, left out, uncared for, and ignored. She was pushed to the bottom of the royalty pyramid. The former Queen took her role and replaced her in almost every public and non-public event.

The radiant beauty of the girl started to fade away. She was aging fast from the unfair treatment she was receiving and the hurtful words thrown her way for something she didn't have a say in.

As lost and forgotten as Dabin was, Brittany was a shell of a human being, a ghost lurking in the chambers and the hallways of this palace. A queen that just had the title of it.

Dabin was never close to the Queen. Both of them had their share of pain to try and be involved in each other's lives. But Dabin knew she was a good human being, who was just a victim of her family. And she was on her own. She didn't have a single human to support her. Hyunbin was a good husband, but he was a better son who had no authority or power over his mother even though he was the King.

Dabin remembered only two times it happened for the Queen to be in her wing, let alone her bedroom. Those two times were when Dabin broke her leg when she was seven and when she got poisoned by some mushrooms a few years before. Other than that, she never visited Dabin's wing.

But there she was, standing awkwardly at Dabin's doorstep.

"Y-Your Majesty," Dabin stuttered and bowed down. "Apologies for my earlier yelling. I thought it was Changbin."

"No worries, Princess." The Queen smiled at her gently. "I came to you unannounced, but you seem to be not available. I will come again later."

"Uh, no." Dabin approached her. "I'm available."

"Isn't your fiance waiting for you?" Brittany questioned.

"He will survive waiting for a little more." Dabin joked.

Brittany narrowed her eyes playfully. "He will, but will you?"

Dabin's cheeks reddened. "Am I that obvious?"

"Very." Brittany chuckled. "Can I sit down for a little?" She pointed at the loveseat.

"Oh, God! Sure. How indecent of me!" Dabin chuckled nervously at how she forgot to properly welcome the Queen.

Brittany sat down and Dabin walked closer to sit opposing her. Brittany looked at Dabin with such a warm loving smile. It was a look that none of her family gave her, except for Changbin.

"Look at you." The Queen talked. "You were very little, very cute, and very chubby when I saw you for the first time. But now you are an extremely beautiful lady who's one step from being a married woman."

"Thank you for your kind words, Your Royal Majesty." Dabin bowed lightly.

"Drop the honorifics, Dabin." The Queen chuckled. "It's only you and me here and we all know I'm no queen in this kingdom." She said in a broken tone that broke Dabin's heart. "And that's not why I'm here." She smiled lovingly again. "I'm here to tell you that I'm here for you. I know I've always been distant but I know your mother and sisters are distant too. I'm aware of how you might need someone to talk to or to support you in this whole marriage preparation, and I doubt that Prince Changbin will be useful on some topics. So, here I am in case you need anything."

Dabin was taken aback, nevertheless, she could feel the sincerity of the Queen's words. Plus, she was right. Changbin wasn't really useful when it came to Dabin's marriage. He was just sulking and pouting all the time. And of course, her sisters and mother were out of the picture.

"I- I really appreciate your offer." Dabin smiled radiantly at her.

"You are shining, Dabin." Brittany smiled in a motherly way. "I could see the difference in your behavior and attitude. At first, when they announced your engagement and marriage, I was afraid it was arranged. But the more I see you these days, the more I realize you are truly in love. I'm happy for you. You are blossoming and that's a relief. I was afraid you will continue to wither in this palace for long."

"Just like you." Dabin uttered and looked at her Queen. "Just like you are withering here from the lack of love and care." Dabin scooted a little closer. "Why are you still here? For me, it was a lost case since they are my biological family. But you are not. Why aren't you freeing yourself from this curse?"

"And do what?" Brittany scoffed.

"Get a divorce!" Dabin snapped and held Brittany's hand. "Get your life back that was stolen from you when you were barely twenty. There's no reason for you to stay confined in this hell. You don't even love my brother. There was no love between you two from the start."

"King Hyunbin is good to me. Really he is. He never mistreated me." Brittany assured.

"He is good but I'm sure there's someone better for you out there. Someone who's better than a forty-something man who's still following his mother like a lost puppy!"

"Shush!" Brittany glared at her. "Do you want to get yourself in trouble? Even if he's your brother, he's the King! You can't talk like that about him."

Dabin sighed in defeat. She knew she couldn't shit-talk him. She was just frustrated.

"I just want you to be happy." Dabin calmed down. "You are still young and beautiful to be buried here like that." She looked at Brittany. She was really beautiful. The red gown she wore accentuated her ginger hair and brown freckles. Her kind smile made her even more beautiful.

"I'm proud of you." Brittany said. "You grew up a lot. To have that mentality and care for others, to be willing to guide and support others. It's not an easy virtue to have. You took your sweet time in blooming but here you are." She caressed Dabin's cheek softly. "A strong loving woman who's got her own thoughts and voice. You'll make a good Queen someday." She retracted her hand. "That makes me want to meet your prince charming. I'm curious about the man who helped out little Dabin to grow that much."

Dabin's cheeks blushed again. "He's a good man."

"I'm sure he is." Brittany added and then stood up. "I just came to tell you I was cheering and rooting for you and him. Whenever you need me, I'm sure you know where to find me."

Dabin stood up to face her with a grateful smile. "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Holding her hand, Brittany stood closer. The look on her face was unreadable. She was proud but in pain. "Make sure you fight for what you want and what you deserve. Don't let them ever control you again. Show me that there's a way out of this misery." Tightening her grip around Dabin's hand, she added. "Be happy for me."

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