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"Screw you, Changbin." Dabin growled.

"What the hell is happening?" Changbin questioned with wide eyes.

Dabin and Changbin had their arms linked as they walked through the gate of the ballroom. This time, Dabin wasn't the only tricked one. Changbin was as clueless as she was, cause simply ahead of them, there was nothing but whiteness.

The ballroom of the Lee Palace was nothing less than the Bang. It had a wide spacious area for dancing. Bars and tables framed it at each corner. Extra bright chandeliers dangled from the very high ceiling of three floors. The white marble floor extended endlessly. Inside this hall, there were the Four Royal Families, the Nobles, the councils and advisors, some higher-ups from the army, and some diplomats. All dressed in white! From head to toe with no hint of blue or any other color.

Changbin too was wearing a white tuxedo, thinking that the gentlemen were supposed to dress in white while the ladies in blue. But now he was confused about why they all, males and females were in white, while his sister was in blue.

"I'm going to kill you with my own bare hands." Dabin said under her gritted teeth as she walked deeper inside the hall, all the eyes trailing them as they made it to where Changbin's friends were.

"I swear I know nothing about this situation. You saw the invitation yourself." He pleaded.

"As if I will believe you ever again." She squished his inner arm. "Oh, God! Mother is here. She's chewing me with her eyes." Dabin panicked once she spotted her mother, two sisters, and two brothers with the Royals from the Hwang, Bang, and Lee Kingdoms in the private lounge of the upper floor.

A wolf whistle echoed from the other side, drifting Dabin's attention from her mother to the group of friends. They were all there except for one. The host of this Royal Ball and the one who supposedly put her in that dress.

"Did your dear brother prank you again?" Jeongin chuckled.

"You are too good and naive to be his sister, Dabin." Hyunjin commented.

"Stop it, guys. You are not helping." Seungmin glared at them.

"I swear I'm innocent this time." Changbin rolled his eyes.

"You look lovely as always, Dabin." Christopher gave her his dimpled smile.

The one who whistled before walked cockily towards Dabin. Surely, it was Sir Han. "Too lovely to waste your night here instead of dancing, Your Royal Highness." He winked at her and again, grabbed her hand without permission, lifting it up as he lowered himself down to plant a kiss on the back of it.

Jisung's lips were just hovering over Dabin's hand when he got smacked at the back of his head and pushed away. Jisung lifted his head up, ready to snap on whoever did that, but he immediately fell silent and zipped his mouth.

Although he was too familiar with that scowl, Jisung sometimes got scared by it. Because it wasn't the scowl that the public see, it was a more dangerous one. A warning, to be precise.

Dabin gasped when her eyes fell on him. The prince she was itching to see.

He was dressed in white just like everyone else in this room, but why was he standing out this much?

His tuxedo was surely white, but it wasn't similar to any other in that hall. The suit jacket came just to the waistline of his slacks at the front, while a tail extended from the back of the jacket. The jacket itself was clear bright white, while the waistcoat underneath had blue star-shaped lace embroidery designs on it, matching the fabric of Dabin's delicate dress. The dress shirt was white and the bow was the same material as the waistcoat. The slacks were pure white, ending in a pair of bright white leather boots. And of course, his star-shaped tiara decorated his head and black long hair.

Dabin was ogling publicly at him. But she wasn't the only one ogling. He too, looked her from head to toe.

Minho's heart did a leap when he saw her walking in the hall in that dress. The dress was sure beautiful but she made it on the next level of beauty. The designer has to thank her for making his dress a masterpiece.

An off-shoulder dress that wasn't so revealing but its bust was a sweetheart cut, showing her prominent collar bones and silky skin of her upper chest. The sleeves started from underneath her shoulder blades and down to her delicate wrists. The waistline dipped perfectly to show how small her waist was. The skirt of the dress fell flimsy around her. The sleeves, the bust, and the waist had star-shaped lace embroidery on them, making you think those stars are floating in the dark blue night sky in the middle of the dress. A pair of silver matte heels wrapped her feet. Dabin's hair was pulled up with a single big star-shaped hairpin, while her tiara decorated the front of her head.

"May I?" Minho extended a gentle hand to Dabin while keeping a little smile.

"Hey," Changbin started. "You can't trick me and my sister, and think you will easily come and swip- HEY!" Changbin yelled once he saw Dabin place her smaller hand into Minho's. "I'm not done tal-"

"Fuck off, Changbin." Minho growled at him before he turned to Dabin, giving her his full attention and smiles. "Shall we?"

Dabin nodded at him with a small smile that she really tried to control in order not to make fun of herself because of how stupidly and widely she wanted to smile.

As Minho closed his hand gently on hers and started to usher her, the guests around the hall emptied the dance floor for them. And as he was leading the way, Dabin remembered Christopher's words.

'And I'm sure that very soon you'll be dancing with someone who wouldn't make you feel brotherly attracted to, or would make you think how to reject him without starting a war.'

Dabin smiled, knowing that the only war she was eager to start right now, was a war ending with Minho being her victory.

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