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Dabin was sitting all nervously, rocking her legs and biting her nails. She was all inside her head that she didn't hear her name being called multiple times.

"Hey," Fingers snapped right in front of her face, making her jolt. "Where's your mind?"

Dabin snapped out and looked to her right, where Christopher was seated. He looked at her with concern. She's been acting irrationally since she came rushing into the waiting room as if she was chased by someone or something.

"Are you okay?" Christopher asked more calmly as he scooted closer to her, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Is that nervousness or are you sick?"

Prince Hwang, who was sitting on the opposing couch, stood up and walked to them. "If you are feeling unwell, we can postpone for a little and call you a doctor." He assured.

"No, no!" Dabin felt more embarrassed. She didn't know what to tell them. She didn't want any postponement. If anything, she wanted the rest of the day to go fast forward and for her to avoid meeting Prince Lee and embarrass herself for more. "It's nothing, I mean it." She took in a deep breath and put her smile on and looked at them both. "See, I'm all good."

"You'd better be telling the truth or your brother will make us into two hotdog sticks." Christopher joked.

"Don't worry, I'll save your lives then." Dabin joked back and patted his hand that was on her shoulder.

Christopher chuckled and withdrew his hand. "I'm really happy you are here today. And it's important for us to be present here for Minho."

"I'm not sure I will be of much help." Dabin shrugged.

Hyunjin chuckled. "Believe me you will. You just show up with that breathtaking beauty of yours and the press will forget their questions and will not corner Minho."

Dabin's cheeks reddened a little from the compliment she was receiving from someone as handsome as Hyunjin. Then something clicked in. "What cornering?" She asked, not flustered anymore.

Christopher sighed and rested back. "There are some people here who don't want Minho to receive any attention, respect, or love from the kingdom. So, they will make sure to corner him or embarrass him at least."

Dabin felt her stomach lurch. She didn't want that for anyone. She wanted nothing but for the event to go as smoothly as she thought it would while she was on the plane, memorizing the words Seungmin wrote for her.

Dabin flinched when the door opened. Her heart jumped thinking it was Minho and she would have to face him after embarrassing herself earlier and ogling at him in the dark. But once she saw it was Felix, she relaxed and breathed in.

"Let's go. It's photo time." Felix announced.

Dabin smiled. That was perfect. The event will start, go through the conference and a tour around the center, then she will be out. There was no chance for Minho to face her or talk to her freely.

"Oh, finally you are showing up." Hyunjin scoffed.

Dabin's smile fell once she spotted the figure appearing from behind Felix. He walked into the waiting room with his scowl that she was so familiar with from the too many photos she saw when she searched him. He stood there with his two hands in his pockets and his scowl immediately turned into a lost look as he looked at his friends as if he was asking for help with his eyes.

"Minho," Christopher called. "Look who's here." He pulled Dabin and put her in front of him to face Minho. Dabin's body stiffened and she gasped. All she was thinking of was how to turn around and slap a king without starting a war. "This is Princess Dabin. Changbin's little sister whom he always told us about. She was at the ball two months ago but you didn't meet her. She's here today to support you." Christopher said with a wide smile, introducing them to each other happily.

Minho looked at Dabin for a few seconds. His expression was unreadable. He didn't look angry but didn't look happy too. His face twitched but he didn't smile or scowl. He kept looking blankly at her while blinking. Dabin's breath hitched inside her chest. She was waiting for a snarky comment about her sneaking and ogling at him.

"You are wearing white this time." Minho uttered, still looking at her with a blank face.

Hyunjin scoffed. Felix and Christopher glared at him.

"W-What?" Dabin stuttered.

"Last time you were wearing blue." Minho elaborated.

Dabin was the one blinking right then. She had forgotten about the embarrassment from ogling at him earlier cause she was reminded of the embarrassment from the dress of that night at the Royal Ball. Her face turned deep red.

"You looked beautiful in blue more than white," Minho added and right then, Hyunjin couldn't hold his laugh for more and let it out on its full volume.

Although Felix and Christopher wanted to scold Hyunjin, they were shaking from how hard they were biting back their laughter.

Minho had always been so different when dealing with strangers. He wasn't used to them and he wasn't the friendly type. He does get flustered but not in flustering situations. And he would never get shy in situations that require shyness. He wasn't good at reading the room too such as how he couldn't get how Dabin wanted the ground to open up and swallow her whole. But Dabin was new to him and didn't know that odd  personality of his or how he reacts.

Dabin couldn't understand if he was complimenting her or mocking her. She found herself cowering back from him and closer to Christopher behind her. Christopher bit back his laugh and cleared his throat. He held her shoulders to stabilize her.

"Minho," He called his friend. "Don't tease our princess here or Changbin will put all of us in his salade."

Minho's eyes widened innocently as he looked at them lost. Felix kicked Hyunjin who was still laughing manically and clutching his stomach.

"Let's move to the photo booth, please," Felix whined. "We are already fifteen minutes behind the schedule."

"Oh, yes, sure! Oh God!" Hyunjin gasped as he stopped laughing. He opened the room's door and stepped out, but they heard him laughing to himself all over again.

Felix followed while shaking his head in disbelief. Christopher patted Dabin's back and pushed her gently to the door. As they were exiting, Dabin heard a loud sigh from behind her. She slowed down and looked over her shoulder to find Minho looking down with a pout while mumbling something that made her blood freeze.

"But I wasn't trying to tease her." He said under his breath. "She looked beautiful in blue."

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