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Although Dabin had to mostly be on her own, she wasn't as completely lonely as Minho was, thanks to her lovely brother who was five years older than her. Dabin was the third princess and the sixth heir and successor in that kingdom. But being last in line wasn't the reason why she was neglected and left out. It was her jinx, as they believed.

When Dabin was born, the last princess in the family, a series of unfortunate events happened. First, her father, the Late King, went through a sudden heart attack when he never had any heart disease. Out of nowhere and on the same night, the kingdom received a princess and lost the King.

Her mother wasn't in her right state of mind. As if giving birth wasn't enough, she had to say goodbye to her husband and king at the same time. From that day on, everything was hazy and going haphazardly. After mourning the Late King, they had to prepare for the new one who was no one but the eldest brother of the six siblings, King Hyunbin, who was almost twenty at that time. Still so young, still lacking, and still so ignorant to be holding those weights.

And that was when the Queen came to the rescue. The woman had lost some brain screws as she lost her husband. It was her son who became a king, but she was the one ruling behind him. While trying to get everything under control, she sent her second son, Prince Woobin, who was only seventeen at that time, into a very intensive military training at the Bang Kingdom, so he could rule the army when he came back.

At the same time, she arranged a marriage for Hyunbin who was still trying to grasp the fact that he became a king out of the blue. The young king found himself being wedded to a beautiful lady from a powerful family in the Lee Kingdom. As young as him and as lost and confused, they agreed to this marriage, knowing they both had no other option.

Once Hyunbin was married, it was time for the marriage training for Princess Eunbin, so she would be ready once she came to marriage age. And ten years later, she was wedded to a powerful heir of a businessman from the Hwang Kingdom. He was the owner of most of the art galleries, music centers, and entertainment labels.

When it came to Rubin, the Queen found no use of her except for her being so famous and friendly among the royals and nobles her age, so she was left to her own head as long as she returned at the end of the day with all the gossips she heard to her mother.

Changbin, being the last before the youngest, didn't have a role from the start in the Queen's plan of keeping control in her hands, but once he grew up to the man he is, she started leaning on him more, giving him trust and support, maybe more than what she gave his two brothers who were much older and in higher positions.

Although he was at least fifteen years younger than his King and his eldest brother, Changbin was appointed as the Royal Advisor and the Second in Line after King Hyunbin. Simply, the Queen saw his potential for being something more than just a prince. He deserved the crown himself if King Hyunbin wasn't sitting on the throne.

And then, there was Dabin. The ugly duckling and forgotten princess.

She wasn't part of the plan at all. She was newborn when the Queen started scheming her full picture of the kingdom and Dabin had no role in it. At that time, Changbin was only five so he too was no part of this, making him the only free one to care for his little sister. It's not like he was asked to, but he had a soft spot for the little baby who was nothing but a few days old, crying by herself as the caregivers couldn't put her to sleep.

As an older brother should be, he took her care as his own task although he was very young. He carried her, played with her, fed her, and put her to sleep, till Dabin became so used to his warm little embrace that no one could make her stop crying but Changbin.

When the little Dabin uttered her first words, it was Changbin who cheered for her. When she took her first step, it was Changbin who held her hands. Changbin too was the one to be first bitten by her tiny little teeth and the one who pulled out her first primary tooth and buried it deep in the garden, leaving her a present from 'the tooth fairy' the next morning. Changbin was the one who took her to her first class, taught her how to ride a bike, chose her dresses for her, brushed her long black her, and learned how to make her a braid and tie a bow hair tie. Changbin read books and stories to her, took her on picnics and vacations, and told her about the other kingdoms and the world outside the confines of her chambers.

And he was the only one to visit her far wing. He was the only one who provided her with family love, gave her a shoulder to cry on, hugged her, and gave her kisses. He was the only one to fight for her and threaten whoever thought of getting anywhere near her, even if it was the Former Queen herself or the current King.

Although Changbin was only five years older, he was practically her father, her brother, her best friend, and her only family.

Dabin was so thankful for Changbin and that's why she was so willing to take all the blame for his joke. She was always willing to stand for him.

She was thankful that at least she had him.

And that's why she softened more for Minho who had no one by his side at all.

He too was a forgotten prince with no family or support, and he seemed to be still in the phase of his life that needed someone to give him love and care in order to grow up although he was almost thirty.

In her eyes, he was a scared lost kid on his own in this world.


So, since many of you asked me about the ages of our main characters, here's how they are going:

Seo Hyunbin: The eldest brother and the current king, 44 years old.
Seo Woobin: The second eldest brother, the head of the Seo Army, 41 years old.
Seo Eunbin: The eldest sister and the first princess, 37 Years old.
Seo Rubin: The second eldest sister, and second princess, 31 years old.
Seo Changbin: The youngest brother and last prince, 29 years old.
Seo Dabin: The youngest, last in line, and last princess, 24 years old.
Lee Minho: The only prince of the Lee Kingdom, 30 years old.

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