Twenty- Two.

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Dabin was wrapped in her covers. She's been like that since the night before that you might think she was dead. But deep inside the layers of her covers, there were mushy jello ice cream remnants of the girl. She had her cheeks the brightest red ever. Her smile was taking up her face, straining her muscles and if she wanted to not smile, it would be hard to go back to normal. Her phone was in her hand, playing a single song on repeat for the whole night and till morning came. 'Perfect' for sure.

Dabin's memories were hazy from the night before. She remembers nothing after Minho confessed his feelings for her. She doesn't even remember if she replied or not, how the dance ended, and how she made it back to her kingdom and palace. Lucky her, she remembers nothing of the teasing they both received after that dance or the dirty looks she was receiving from the females in the hall, including her dear sister Rubin.

Dabin was so sure of her feelings for Prince Lee. It was unbelievable that he had feelings for her too and that he was making it clear that way. She never thought that she would experience something like that. Something like love. Her mother and siblings, minus Changbin, always made it clear that she wasn't loveable and lacking. She was sure she would end up with some prince or a noble who had common interests and businesses with the kingdom just like her eldest brother and sister. Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined falling for someone and having that someone fall for her, and a breathtaking prince at that.

A knock on Dabin's door brought her back from her daydreaming about Minho. But she didn't want to see or meet anyone unless it was Minho himself. She heard the door creak open and she huffed, stopping the song that was playing nonstop.

"Are you staying under the covers all day?" Changbin questioned. "You need to get up. You are requested at the meeting room."


Dabin jolted up and pushed the covers away. She was requested. She forgot that she had to deal with the aftermath of her dance with Prince Lee. Of course, her mother won't let that pass. And Rubin will get her way under her skin. Maybe King Hyunbin and Prince Woobin will scold her too. Maybe her Mother won't like how Minho freed her hair from the torturing hairpin. Maybe the dress. Maybe her sole existence.

There are hundreds of things they might use to scold her.

Dabin's giddy and happy-go-lucky mood was gone. Now she had to leave Dreamland and come back to Earth.

"Am I in trouble?" She asked.

"You are." Changbin nodded. "Do you remember what you did yesterday or are you still love drunk?"

Dabin shook her head. She was clueless about what happened after Minho confessed.

Changbin sighed. "You danced with Minho. You stood there talking when the music ended and the hall lightened up again. You two seemed to be pretty serious. He kissed your hands out of the blue, and I was about to let death kiss him, and then suddenly, you fainted."

"I FAINTED?" Dabin yelled the loudest ever.

"You did, hell, calm down!" He covered his ears.

"And then, what happened?" Dabin crawled to the edge of her bed, wanting to know more of the story she was part of but had no clue about.

"Minho started laughing out loud," Changbin uttered. Dabin's face dropped along with her jaw. "And when you regained your consciousness, you were as good as a wasted human being, uttering incoherent words and giggling to yourself."

If Hopes Crash had a sound, then it's definitely the sound Dabin heard.

She messed everything up. The man was confessing and she dared to pass out and come back drunk when she didn't even have a single sip of water, let alone liquors!

How did she manage to do that?

At that moment, she felt numb. Inside her head, she was trying to remember but she found nothing. She was empty. And how on earth was she going to face Minho ever again? How could she gather the rest of her courage and dignity to tell him she had feelings for him too?

"Hey! Why the hell are you paling again? Don't you freaking dare to pass out!" Changbin warned. "Get a grip. Mother wants you."

Yes, right. Her mother.

Suddenly, a punishment sounded like a good idea. Dabin hoped for a full year of detention. Or it would be better if her mother sent her to a nunnery. Maybe a prison or even to be expelled. Everything and anything would be good at that point, as long as she was out of reach from Minho.

Dabin stood up to her feet and sorted out her pajama which was nothing but a baby blue set of pants and a shirt with kittens' and dogs' paws pattern on them. Her hair wasn't a mess because it was braided into one French braid. She put on her fluffy paw-shaped slippers and walked to the door.

"Umm, are you going like that?" Changbin looked her up and down.

She looked cute and all, but Dabin wasn't the one to roam the palace in her pajamas. It's not prohibited or anything, it's their home anyway, but there was a dress code that Dabin followed really well. Rubin was the one doing perfectly in not following that dress code.

"I'm dead anyway. A pajama won't add much to the list of punishments." Dabin sighed heavily. Her shoulders drooped and her head hung low.

"As you wish." Changbin shrugged and followed her outside. "But don't regret your decisions later."

Dabin didn't reply. Right then, she had other more serious situations to regret rather than dwelling on walking up the corridors of her home in pajamas.

Reaching the higher wing, Dabin braced herself and walked through its gate. She went straight to the meeting room, bowed at the security at its door, and walked in once they opened the door for her.

"Dabin!" Her mother's voice echoed. "We've been waiting fo- what are you wearing?"

"My apologies, Your Royal Majesty, I wasn't feeling we-" Dabin lifted her head up and looked at her mother who wasn't alone.

Of course, King Hyunbin was there with Prince Woobin by his side. Rubin was on the other side of the table, looking at her with anger and gritted teeth. Eunbin was right by her side and Dabin had no idea why her elder sister was there and not her home.

But what caught her eyes wasn't the way they all looked at her. It was the way the one on the opposing side of the table was looking at her.

Kind. Radiant. Smiley. Happy.

A happy Minho.

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