The music of the mind

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Author's Note: The bold Italics are Aleyna, the normal italics are Korra.

Aleyna's Pov.

After Breakfast I took Korra into my basement. Okay... I know how that sounds, but the truth is that I'm a paranoid freak, and I can't have certain secrets getting out. My basement is the safest place in all of Republic City, I've made sure of that.

"Alright, Korra. The things I'm about to tell you can never leave this room. Do you understand?" I said

"Of course, teacher." she replied

"Good. Alright, I suppose I should start. Every Avatar since Avatar Wan knew this secret, and I personally told him. This is the truth of the Elements, all of the elements: Water, Earth, Fire, and Air come from one place. You know of the Great spirits Raava and Vaatu right?"

"Of course."

"Well, Raava and Vaatu were not the only original Great spirits, there were many more, these were the first generation of Spirits. Raava and Vaatu, Luna and Oceanus, as well as parts of The Five Creators, these spirits were the basis of the Elements."

"Wait, but there's only four elements."

"Yes, and No. there are four Natural Elements, the fifth must be found, well the fourth must be found."

"I'm confused."

"Each of the Five Creators gave up a part of themselves to Create an element, The first Creator, gave up his rage to make Fire, The second gave up his freedom, to make Air, The third gave up his mental flexibility to make Earth, and the Fifth gave up his adaptability to make Water, however the Fourth didn't make a physical Element, The Fourth gave up his Light to make Shadow."

"You're telling me that there is a way to bend Shadows?"

"Yes, it is the most powerful of the Five elements, but it must be kept a secret."


"For the same reason wealthy people hide their money, if anyone besides the Avatar and I were to get their hands on it, no one could stop them, besides, the path to Shadebending is a dangerous one. only the Avatar has survived it, and the only one that has tried is Aang."

"Why did Aang try to find Shadebending?"

"He didn't try, my dear, he succeeded, and It was because he believed the he could return the Light to the Fourth Creator."

"Why would he do that?"

"We were personal friends."

"Wait... you're the Fourth Creator?"

"Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner. Yes, Korra I am The Fourth Creator."

"So, not only are you a shadebender, personal friends with Avatar Aang, And an influential member of the White Lotus-"

"How do you know about that?"

"Tenzin told me."

"Meddling, Baldy. I'll deal with him later. Anyway, I am the Fourth Creator... oh and I can bend all four Physical Elements."

"The World doesn't need the Avatar, it needs you."

"That's not the way it works. I'm not really allowed to get into Human issues, I shouldn't even be helping you, traditionally you would be told by the former Avatar, as soon as you were ready, but I see bad things in the future, so I thought I'd tip the scales a little more than Raava ever could, I thought I could teach you Shadebending, which I will, if you're willing."

"I...I don't know. Can... Can I tell Tenzin?"

"He's the only other person I would ever trust with this secret, he was my backup plan if you dropped out, in fact, so go ahead, seek the counsel of mister Baldy."

"Alright, I'll be back with an answer tomorrow."

"Good luck, Avatar. Don't let that pretty little Heiress distract you too much."

"I... I don't know what you mean."

"Take care of yourself kid, and stay out of the way."

"Yes, Ma'am."

Korra's POV.

I raced back to Air temple Island as fast as possible, eager to tell Tenzin what I had just learned.

"don't let that pretty little heiress distract you too much"  what does that even mean?

You know exactly what it means, girly. I know how you think, kid. Get used to me being in your head, It's an old habit.

Seriously? I have to deal with you inside my head now?!

Yes, so make the best of a bad situation, and enjoy the music of my mind.

The only music in your head, is the sound of explosions

Exactly, now pay attention to the road

"Tenzin, we need to talk! I have something to tell you." I shouted

"What do you want Korra? I'm on the phone with President Reiko." Tenzin replied

"Oh, I'm sorry, it can wait."

While I was waiting for Tenzin to finish his important stuff, I took the opportunity to write a letter to Asami, I couldn't wait for her to get back, I had so much to say, and not enough paper to say it. Asami was going to get a surprise when she came home.

It turned out that Tenzin's important President Reiko stuff meant that he had to leave, but he would be back by tomorrow morning.

Sorry Aleyna, I guess your answer will have to wait another day.

Take however long you need, I don't plan on leaving anytime soon.

My dreams that night were better than they've been since I found out I was the Avatar, they had a lot to do with Asami, and that's all I'm gonna say.

The next morning however was worrying, Tenzin wasn't home and everyone was concerned, I can't remember how many times I had to console Pema, Janora was helping however she could and Meelo and Ikki were cooking, which I don't recommend, by the way. I decided that I was gonna go see how Mako and Bolin were doing, or if they were even doing anything.

I got to the police station just in time to see a desk go flying out the door, I rushed in to see what was happening, but immediately wished I hadn't, apparently Beifong had arrested Aleyna, but Aleyna didn't like that idea, it took the power of almost all of Beifong's metal benders to hold Aleyna.

"Lin, what are you doing?" I asked

"Oh thank the Spirits you're here Korra. Lin's trying to kill me." Aleyna said

"If I was trying to kill you, you'd be dead. I've just arrested a vandal, as well a burglar." Lin said

"What did I steal?" Aleyna asked

"My sister's heart." Lin Replied

"Woah, woah, woah. Lin I'm sure we can talk this out." I said

"Yeah, we can... in the interrogation room."

"Oh, crap. Here we go, back into the Beifong drama, speaking of which, how's Toph?" Aleyna asked

"My mother is fine. She's not the Beifong you should worry about."

"I noticed."

"Mouth off at me, one more time. I dare you."

"Ladies please. Calm down." I said, trying to defuse the situation

"Stay out of this Avatar!"

Creator: The Last ShadebenderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon