Seven years...

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Anon. P.O.V.

"Fuck! This is going to end badly!" I shouted over the wind, there was a very large, very painful, tear in my left wing, blood was everywhere, and I could barely see, due to the pain. When I "landed" I was only conscious long enough to hear an unfortunately familiar voice say "Alex?! What the fuck are you doing here?!"

I woke up in a bed, which I was grateful for, but then I remembered what had happened.

"Fuck. Of all the places I had to land..." I muttered. I heard the door open and quickly opened my eyes, hoping for a saviour, but I was greeted with a woman. Her skin was literally the colour of Ivory, her hair was a very, very, dark shade of black, and she was wearing the reddest lipstick I had ever seen. She was wearing, what looked like a leather jacket, with gears emblazoned on the sides of her arms. I started to say something, but she leaned back out of the door and said "Aleyna, She's awake."

Oh, hell. I was hoping for someone to save me, but now she rats me out, dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit!

"Alexandria May Commedia, What in all of Hell and creation are you doing here?!" She asked

"Hi, mom. It's been awhile hasn't it?" I replied, dejectedly

"Mom?!" the pretty woman from earlier exclaimed

"Asami Sato, meet my daughter, Alex. Alex, Asami. Now, Answer my fucking question."

"Jeez, straight to the point, have you ever heard of foreplay, mom?" I said

She laughed and replied with "Yep, you're definitely my daughter, did you really want to see me that badly?"

"Do you want the truth, or do you want me to make you feel better?"

"Oh, for fuck's sake."

"Alright, alright. I did actually come to see you, but I may have pissed off some Earth kingdom soldiers and they chased me through a forest."

"And the tear in your wing?"

"Very large caliber bullet."

"Dammit, Alex. You need to learn how to be more careful."

"Why? You sure as hell didn't." I said, pulling my mother in for a hug.

"I missed you, Alex" she replied. That was when Allen came bursting into the room.

"I heard my favourite Niece was hurt, where is she?" he shouted

"Ugh." "Uncle Allen!" Mom and I said at the same time.

"It's been too damn long, you little Angel."

"Uncle Allen! I told you to stop calling me that!"

"Why? It's true. You are an Angel."

"Still, it sounds like you're treating me like a five year old."

"I haven't seen you since you were five years old, so I have the right."

"Allen, we all know that was your own damn fault." mom said

"I take one bullet to the head, and everyone just thinks they can blame me for disappearing."

"Seriously? Allen?"

"Right... it is my fault. Woops! oh, well The Family's back together."

Aleyna's P.O.V.

Seven years... That's how long it had been since I'd seen my daughter. when she was eleven I had left her with Colonel Charles James Resion. I knew he accepted her, in fact I think she was the greatest thing to happen to him since Zoey, she stayed with Charlie since then, she was Charlie's granddaughter as far as he was concerned, even though Zoey and I had never married, she was family. Alex was my previous Partner's daughter, biologically at least. When he found out about her, he just disappeared, but I can handle myself, and if I can handle myself, I can handle a little girl too. Alex is an Angel, Her father was the Angel Micheal, he was afraid of a commitment like that so he went back to doing what he had always done, fighting his little brother, but Alex gets her Violet eyes from him, along with the wings which are actually a tawny colour, compared to Micheal's black and white, her hair is my own dark brown, and she's taken on most of my personality, she's incredibly tan for an Angel's daughter, but then that may have to do with me, her skin is an olive-y complexion like mine. It was good to see her again, she was so grown up it was kind of scary, but she was going to stop aging at twenty five, so it didn't actually matter.

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