The Calm Before The Storm

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Aleyna's P.O.V.

After that whole Mess with Zaheer, we returned to Republic City, unfortunately the first thing I had to do was show Allen to his room, and then we had to go to Jinora's ceremony, she was officially becoming an Airbending master. It wasn't a long ceremony, but Tenzin made some pretty big promises up there, I just hoped he could keep them all. The saddest part of the day came next, Korra needed to recuperate, and to do that she decided to go back to the South Pole, I wished her well and told her to give Katara hell for me, Mako and Bolin showed up as well, Bolin told her that he couldn't wait for her to leave, because he'd never had a pen pal before, Mako gave a pretty standard goodbye, and Asami asked if Korra wanted ay company in the South Pole, but she refused, which I didn't understand, but that's her prerogative.

Just as Korra was getting on the ship to take her home, I accidentally caught a glimpse into her mind, a glimpse that would make me encourage Asami to go on a visit to the South pole, not very long after that.

Korra's P.O.V.

I had gotten so many letters in the past few months, but I didn't have the heart to send any back, I can't exactly say I was in the best mental state. I could hardly eat, I didn't sleep, and my thoughts were scaring me. I know for a fact that my parents noticed, but it wasn't them that I was angry with, it was me. How could I allow myself to get hurt so badly that I had to be in a wheelchair?! Katara was helping as much as she could, but P.T. wasn't what I wanted right now, if I could, I would walk out into the snow and just freeze to death, but I could hardly dress myself, let alone walk.

Asami's P.O.V.

The ship was taking longer than I'd have liked, but I couldn't make it go any faster.

"I caught a glimpse into her head, Asami, it's not a very nice place right now." Aleyna said

"What do you mean?" I asked

"I mean, she needs her girlfriend right now, you need to help her through this, even if she refuses, don't leave until you know that she's going to be okay, and for spirits' sakes do not tell her everything is going to be alright, it doesn't actually work. Ask Allen."

"I know what happened, Aleyna."

"No, you don't, but you deserve to, so I'll tell you. It was ten years ago, I was still living in the First dimension, I had a girlfriend, she was the love of my life, she was the greatest thing that ever happened to me, but she didn't exactly have the happiest past, she was a foster child, her real parents, well you don't want to know what happened to them, but she was taken in, when she was eight, by a nice couple, with the last name of Reison, the father was an army ranger until she was thirteen then he was promoted to special operations, her mother died of ovarian Cancer a year after she was adopted, her name was Zoey Nicole Kent. We had been together for several years and I was about to propose, but fate reared her ugly head. Zoey got a call from her old girlfriend, a call that scared the crap out of her, turns out later she didn't just get a phone call, her girlfriend, going by the name Alexandria Cutler, had shown up. Unfortunately I got there too late when I walked into her house, she was in her room, severed Carotid artery. It's amazing how much blood can come out of a little cut like that." Aleyna broke down at this point, she just couldn't stop crying, but she still told her story.

"Zoey had a sister, her name was Sarah. she was adopted several months after Zoey and she was a year younger. She said she couldn't stay in that house, without her sister, she didn't have a reason to live, so I brought her with me, I call her My Shadow in public. she's always with me, always protecting me, she shares my entire life." Aleyna continued

"Why isn't she here now?" I asked

"We had a small... rather a large argument before I left to help protect Korra, and we haven't talked about it yet, but that's why I'm not going on this trip with you, because I need to talk to Sarah."

"Oh, Okay, well. I suppose it's time I leave" I said, noticing the ship pulling up to the docks.

"Good luck, Asami Sato. Keep Korra from slipping even further, make sure she comes back, the world needs the Avatar." Aleyna said

"Not very fond of goodbyes, huh?"

"Not really, I don't appreciate endings either, but it's something you have to deal with. I'll see you when you get back, Asami."

"Yes, ma'am. Good luck with Sarah."

"I'll need it."

I hoped I could help Korra, I don't think I could stand to lose her, my father had already betrayed me, I couldn't live if she did too. I love Korra with all my life, I give her my everything, and normally she give everything as well, but I couldn't bear to see her lying dead, like Aleyna had described Zoey. I needed to write a letter to Senna and Tonraq, I had to make sure she was okay, hopefully it would make it there before I did.

Aleyna's P.O.V.

I was hesitating to open the door to my own home. Literally what the fuck? I wasn't exactly afraid, but I'm not sure I wanted to know what Sarah would say. Fuck this pansy shit, I'm going in.

"Sarah? Are you home?" I asked

"Aleyna! Thank the spirits! I'm glad you're back!" Sarah shouted, I noticed Allen skulking away, waiting for the explosion, but I didn't know if it was coming

"It's good to be home, Sarah. Are we gonna talk?"

"About before you left?"


"I guess we have to.

"Do we though? I told you I loved you, I meant it."

"Kiss me, I want to know what you feel."

"Are you sure? I might see some things you don't want me to."

"I'm sure."

I pulled her face up to mine and kissed her. There it is! that's what she felt like! Suddenly memories started flooding into my head, Sarah's memories. The first thing I saw was Sarah being picked up at the orphanage, the she met Zoey, then she was at Christmas with them, then new years, then a funeral, Gloria Reison, wife, mother, daughter, may she rest in peace. the gravestone said the next memory was of Colonel Charles James Reison, being promoted to Special Forces, then they skipped ahead to Zoey's funeral, I pulled my lips away from Sarah's lips before I had to relive that.

"Sarah Elizabeth Reison, I love you." I said

"I love you too, Aleyna Reanne Commedia." she replied

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