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Alex's P.O.V.

"Asaaaaamiiiiiiiii. Asaaaaamiiiiiii. What are you doing?" I asked. Asami had told me to close my eyes and lay on my stomach, so I did.

"Alex, shut up." Asami replied.

I felt her straddle my ass and lay her hands on my naked back. Her hands were cold but they felt good on my back. She started her massage and not long after, I fell asleep. For the first time in two months I slept. I'm a lot like my mother, in some ways, that's a good thing, but in a lot more ways, it's bad. normally I'm plagued by nightmares, of what I won't say, but I am. I felt Asami lay down next to me, but I didn't bother to open my eyes.

"Alex, I know you're awake. What's wrong?" She asked

"It's nothing Asami, let's just go to sleep." I replied, snuggling closer to her. she kissed my head and didn't say anymore, but I did.

"Asami, why are we doing this? What about Korra?" I asked. Asami didn't answer, but she pulled me closer to her. I woke up with Asami the next morning, which is strange because she would normally leave before anyone else woke up.

"Asami?" I asked, waking her up

"What's up, Alex?" she replied

"Why are you still here?"

"I wanted to stay, to show you that I don't care what people think, I want to stay wiht you, whatever happens, I'm here."

I rested my head in her neck and we decided to stay there.

"Asami, what is going to happen when Korra comes back?" I asked

"I don't know, but what will be, will be." She replied

"Okay." I said, sleepily

"You're so cute when you're tired."

"If you say so, Sato."

We went back to sleep after that, I had two months to catch up on, and Asami didn't feel like kealing with the world, nobody came looking for us, which I guess is concerning, but who cares?

I awoke with my back on fire, at least that's what it felt like, I walked out of the room gasping, and looking for my mom.

Aleyna's P.O.V.

I was once again laying on the couch when I heard Alex stumbling down the hall.

"Mom... Mom..." She was saying weakly

"It's alright Alex, I'm going to take care of you." I said, then she passed out. I picked her up and took her to the couch.

"Asami! Get down here. Now!" I shouted. She ran down the stairs in one of Alex's Shirts.

"What's wrong?" she asked

"Something's wrong with Alex. Pull off her shirt, I'll be right back." I said, running to my bedroom, looking for my knife. There was something Infecting my daughter and I was going to kill it.

Asami's P.O.V.

I was holding Alex's hand when Aleyna came back with a knife, if she thought it was strange, she didn't say anything.

"Has she said anything?" Aleyna asked

"No, she's been silent." I replied

"Good, Whatever's doing this knows better. Alright, Asami stand back."


"Or don't , but don't blame me if you get hurt."

Aleyna took her knife in one hand and laid her other hand on Alex's forehead. She started speaking in another language and Alex moaned, then her eyes fluttered open, but they were pure black.

"It's been too long Fourth Creator." A harsh Voice said from Alex's mouth

A flash of recognition spread across Aleyna's face. Her eyes took on an anger I had never seen from her and she had her teeth clenched.

"You've already taken everything from me, you've destroyed my entire life, I will not let you take my daughter too." She said

"You're too late, she's surrendered." the Voice said

"No, That's not possible. The Alex I know would never surrender to the likes of you." I said

Suddenly Alex's body went rigid and a black smoke rose out of her mouth. Aleyna stood up and grabbed the smoke, it was more than a physical effort to hold it still, but she did it, she literally tore apart whatever it was, physically, spiritually, mentally all of the -ally's.

Alex gasped and sat straight up.

"Asami? Mom? What the fuck just happened?" she asked, breathing heavily

"The high council just issued a threat to me and my family, I will not stand for this. Give me two weeks, I will either come back, bloodied with the lives of council members, or I won't and I'll be lost in The Void." Aleyna said

"Mom, are you sure you want to do this?"

"I have to. I need to know if this was sanctioned by the entire Council, or if this was the act of a few."

"I'll see you when I get back."

"I hope for the day."

Author's note: I apologize for the short chapter, it seemed as though Wattpad's servers were having issues, while I was trying to upload this the first time and when I tried to log back in, I kept getting an "Unexpected Token" error message, anyway, here you go,



Author's Note part the second: I hope you notice that the Council is becoming more prominent, they're going to be important later.


Creator: The Last ShadebenderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz