A Creator on the Run.

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Korra's P.O.V.

The last few days on the Airship had been some of the most amazing, but boring days of my life. We were getting to see parts of the world we had never seen before, the only problem was that, none of the new Airbenders we had seen wanted to join us. I guess they just didn't understand the importance of rebuilding an entire Nation.

Everyone else was asleep, but I was far too anxious to sleep. I had decided earlier in the day that I was going to tell Asami the truth. It was one o'clock in the morning, and I still hadn't told her, so I went looking. She wasn't in her room, so she had to be somewhere on the main deck of the Airship. I found her near the engine room, staring at several maps, and trying not to fall asleep.
"Are you sure you're a mechanic and not a navigator?" I asked
"Oh, hey Korra. What's up?" She replied
"Actually... I wanted to talk."
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing, but, I'd rather we talked, somewhere else. Like my room. It's more quiet, more intimate."
"That's an interesting way to put it, but okay."

Great, she thinks I'm crazy. Maybe I should just put a stop to this.

"Korra?" She said, breaking me out of my stupor
"Yeah?" I asked
"What did you want to say?"
"Oh, right. Well, I wanted to say... I think you are the most amazing, wonderful person, I've ever met, you are perfect in every way, and I think I'm falling in love with you."
Silence erupted in the room, but when Asami looked up and saw me crying, she looked worried.
"Korra, Korra, why are you crying, I'm sorry, I didn't- I wanted to-" she started, but I cut her off
"No, It's fine... I should never have said-"
"Shut up and kiss me." Asami said, throwing me against the wall.

Aleyna's P.O.V.

I sat, huddled in my little, Earth hut. I knew I wasn't far from an Earth kingdom village, but I wanted to stay outside it until the morning. It was nights like this, when the sky was clear that I wanted nothing more than to be in love again. I thought back to what Sarah had said before I left.
"Dammit. I want to go home, to talk to Sarah. I want to be happy again." I muttered to myself
"I thought I heard my sister's depressing thoughts out here" someone said outside.
"Wait a minute. Allen? What are you doing here? I didn't think there were any other Creators here, especially not number one."
"Well, I'm glad I surprised you. It'd be a shame if you knew where I was at all times."
"What are you doing here?"
"Honestly, I'm running from the Dai li. They don't much appreciate me, insulting their queen."
"Why do you think I haven't been to Ba Sing Se in several years."
"Why are you even in the Earth Kingdom? I thought Republic City was your domain."
"It is, but the Avatar is in danger."
"Are you getting involved in that poor girl's life?"
"What do you mean?"
"You kissed her, didn't you?"
"Aleyna. You won't find what you're looking for, in the Avatar."
"I know. I kissed her didn't I? I've realized exactly who I'm looking for."
"Come on, you can stay with me for the night."
"What do you mean?"
"You really like that question, don't you little sis? I have a house, in the village, the people there like me, dunno why, but they do. They gave me a place to stay, so I stayed."
"How very generous. I'll have to thank them for taking care of my big brother. I suppose, I'll come, stay. For one night. Just the one. I have to be on the road tomorrow."
"Fair enough. It'll be good to have you around, even if it is only for a night."

Korra's P.O.V.

The next morning was a good one. We weren't due for another landing for several days, so Asami and I didn't have to even leave the room, though Asami tried once or twice. I then reminded her that the airship could run without her for a day. I heard Mako knocking on the door several hours later. He was worried, because he hadn't seen Asami all day, that is he was worried until she shouted at him through the door.
"Oh, I... I didn't realize... I... ummm, bye." Mako stuttered
The rest of the day was just as funny. I only got caught sneaking into the kitchen once, and it was,Bolin, so it didn't actually matter. I was happy with Asami, it didn't matter what happened, I wanted to stay in that room for the rest of my life.

Aleyna's P.O.V.

"So, little sister, what kind of danger is the Avatar in?" Allen asked
"You remember, about thirteen years ago, when that group of crazy terrorists, calling themselves the Red Lotus, tried to kidnap Korra?" I started
"Well, those four broke out of their individual prisons and are currently trying to do it again."
"That sounds serious. Maybe I should help you out."
"I thought you weren't supposed to get involved with human matters."
"What our brothers don't know, won't hurt them."
"Now, you're starting to think like me. This'll have to wait for morning though, big brother."
"Whatever you say."

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