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Alex's P.O.V.

It had been two weeks since Asami had rescued me and we were back at air temple island. My mom and I were training and Asami was sitting to the side watching us. I sent a rock twice my size towards my mom, but she blocked it and sent a stream of water directly at my face. Until now I had been refraining from using fire as a courtesy to Asami, but I pulled up a wall of fire, the water slammed into it and steam billowed in every direction, threatening to burn all three of us, but, I took a page from my mom's book and bended a wall of shadows around the steam before it could actually go anywhere.

"What was that?" Asami asked

"A trick she learned from me, but we explicitly agreed not to use it during training." my mom said

"If I hadn't used it, all three of us would be burned and you'd have to do even more healing, and we all know subtle healing isn't your specialty."

"I was going to thank you, but you ruined it."

"I'm glad you did it." Asami said, walking up behind me. she wrapped her arms around my waist and started to whisper something in my ear, but I suddenly felt the Airbender kids approaching.

"Asami, the Airbender kids are back." I said, pulling her off of me

"That means... Korra."


Our realization was interrupted by a shout from above.

"Asami!" Korra shouted from the sky bison

"Korra!" Asami shouted back.

I stood off to the side, quietly fuming, while the two reunited, but then Asami did something I didn't expect.

"Korra, we need to talk." she said

"What do you mean?" Korra asked

"A lot has happened while you were gone and I want to talk to you, but we can do that later, you need to go say hi to everybody else."

I watched as Korra walked away, looking back, worried. When she was gone, Asami walked over to me and said "I'm so sorry, I couldn't just tell her... she would freak out."

"It's alright, I get it. I've been in her shoes before, if someone had just said 'we're done' I would've snapped."

Asami hugged me and said "We'll talk to her."

Korra's P.O.V.

"A lot has happened while you were gone." what does she mean? The only thought I had while I was gone was of Asami and now she says a lot has happened, did she get with someone else whil I was gone?

"Korra? You're home!" Tenzin shouted

"Tenzin! Good to see you, baldy." I said

"Don't call me that, Aleyna calls me that."

"I know, that's why I did it."

"Korra! Where have you been? You're late for your first lesson by three years!" Aleyna shouted behind me.

"I'm sorry, teacher extenuating circumstances forced me to take the long way home."

Aleyna laughed and apologized for shouting.

"So, where have you been?" Tenzin asked

"Well, I actually was in the South pole for two years, but then I told my parents that I wanted to come back to Republic city, but as soon as I entered the bay, I... I couldn't make it into the city, so I left. I was in the Earth kingdom for a little while, I entered a fighting arena, and then I ended up in the Swamp with Toph."

Creator: The Last ShadebenderWhere stories live. Discover now