The True End

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Seven years later


Darkness, that's what I remember. I remember thinking If there is a hell, this is it. And then, I woke up. My eyes weren't quite working when I woke up, but my ears were.

"Allen, you have to give up on her. It's been seven years." God said

"No, I'm tired of just maintaining, I'm changing things, if that means destroying your Life's work, then so be it." Allen replied

"you've finally stood up for yourself, big brother. I'm proud."

"Even when I'm treating apart the fabric of reality to do it?"

"That's what it's there for, isn't it?"

"You sound like Aleyna."

"She starts to rub off on you after a while."

"Yeah, she does."

Suddenly my eyes and lungs started working again, and I was alive.

Creator: The Last ShadebenderWhere stories live. Discover now